Loki as your boyfriend (short)

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Loki would be the person to, yes hold your hand in public but instead of saying I love you he would squeeze your hand once or twice as a little code for his love for you. 

For dates he wouldn't take you to big people places like sit down restaurants or the theater (unless it where plays) but instead he would take you to fields  at dawn or twilight and make all different kinds of drinks and food. 

He would make you your own weapons and only buy the finest Asguardian clothing, frame cloth to leather to gloves and shoes. 

When you would sleep he would fix your hair or braid it. When he was feeling extra comfortable with you or couldn't sleep, he'd get closer and as carefully as possible would put his arm under your head, making a kind of pillow and kiss you of your head or lips and watch you sleep and smile his smile at you.

He would always take you to Asgard. Show you all the weird and amazing things about the palace. He would always introduce you to his mother who loves you and much as she does Loki. He would take you into the woods so you could look for animals to hold, and when ever you would find any she would tell you about it and what to feed it, how to hold it properly. He would sit down with you and sometimes stroke the creature's head.

When you would have sad days or just when you felt bored, he'd read to you. Usually poems from different assortment of books. You'd put your head on his chest and he'd hold the book with one hand that other around your head combing your hair.

Also you guys should do the deed a lot but he would make you feel comfortable with it. Never going to far, and most definitely never to little. EVER

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