hey pretty girl ~ Alessia Russo

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Context: You and Alessia play for the same team (The Lionesses). Your at camp and are about to head to a game.

As i approach the bus that will take us to the game, i feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. I turn to see who it is; Alessia.
"Hey pretty girl" she says.
"Heya, who are you sitting with on the bus?" i ask her.
"Toone was gonna sit with me but then her and Hempo made a stupid bet about who could the most games of snap".
-I laugh at the stupidity of our friends. -
"so the seat next to me is free if you wanna join" she continues, smiling at me.
"ummmm, idk i might make a bet with lucy to see how many games of UNO i can win" i joke.
Alessia pushes me.
"suit yourself, i only asked you out of pity anyway" she laughs.
"whatever babes" i roll me eyes while laughing.

I put my bag under the bus and make my way onto the bus. As i walk down the isle, i notice a certain blonde hair and blue eyes girl sitting on her own.
"I guess ill sit with you" i say, moving Alessia's legs off of the spare seat next to her.
"ugh, do u have to" she replies.
i flick her ear. Alessia squeezes the top of my knee, sending a shock up my leg.
"AGH, your such a bitch" i say slapping her arm.
"alright dumb and dumber, pipe it down before i smack the both of you" says Lucy who was sitting behind us with keira.

Its about 40 minutes into the 2 hour journey and i'm starting to feel a little tired.
"i think i'm gonna take a nap before we get there" i tell lessi.
"well i didnt think you were gonna nap when we got there" she jokes.
"your funny" i say very sarcastically.

I try get comfy in my seat, with no luck.
"here rest on my shoulder" alessia says, opening her arms. I dont argue, i cuddle into her oversized hoodie and close my eyes. Alessias arms are the safest place in the world in those moments.
I feel alessia play with my hair as i fall asleep. I look up at her and smile.
"Your beautiful" she says.
"Love you less" i reply.
"love you most" she says.
i close my eyes and fall asleep.

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