Book Signing- Leah Williamson

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CONTEXT: Your about 24 and youre taking your 10 year old sister, Izzy, to Leahs book signing.


Your stood in the que for about an hour with your VERY excited sister. "do you think Leah will like my shirt?" your sister asks, standing in her Arsenal shirt with leahs name on the back. "im sure she will love it Izzy" you say smiling down at her. "i have no idea what im going to say to her, i cant believe im meeting Leah! I want to be just like her when i grow up?" Izzy says. "im sure if you work hard you could be!" you say back to her. "Do you think i could be as pretty as her when im her age?" she asks you. "You are already pretty, just like Leah" you say back to her. "ooooo so you think Leah is pretty" she says teasing you. "of course, shes stunning" you say back to Izzy.

Eventually its your turn, Izzy runs straight towards Leah. "hey little one, i like your shirt" she says to Izzy. "THANK YOU. it says your name on the back" Izzy says turns around to show Leah. "amazing, i like it even more now" Leah says as she starts to sign my sisters book. Leah looks up at you, "would you like yours signed to?" she says. You get a free book with you ticket for the book signing and youd totally forgotten you were holding it. "oh um yes please" you say handing it to Leah. "my sister thinks you really pretty" Izzy says to Leah. Leah laughs and you nudge your sister. "sorry about her" you say, your cheeks now bright red. "its fine, i think your sister is really pretty too" She says while begining to sign your book. "oh thank you" You say, not knowing what else you could possibly say. She hands you back the book and you all take a picture. "get home safe guys, it was lovely meeting you both" Leah says smiling at you. "BYE LEAH!" Izzy shouts back while walking away.

Once you are out of the shop Izzy turns to you and says. "what did she write in yours, she wrote 'Hope you love reading the book' in mine". "oh im sure she probably wrote the same thing in mine" You say while opening up the book. Then you see it. It stops you dead in your tracks. Leah had given you her number.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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