Roommates ~ Katie McCabe

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Its the world cup, you and Katie both play for Republic Of Ireland. In this story, Katie and Ruesha aren't together and never have been.

Everyone is gathered in the dining hall to find out what room they will be staying in.
As Vera Pauw goes down the list of people who will be sharing, i eventually hear my name.
"In room 106 is Y/N and Katie McCabe"
I sigh with relief and look over at katie who runs towards you and jumps on you celebrating. You and Katie get along really well, she is one of the teammates your closest with.
"Get in McCabe" I shout.
You both grab your stuff and head up to the room.
"I can't believe we are rooming together" i say to Katie.
"Well being the captain has its perks" She winks at you.
"Are you flirting McCabe" i laugh.
Katie gasps "i would never" she says sarcastically.
You both have flirty banter all the time, its kind of your thing.

We walk into the room and theres 2 double beds.
"Ugh i cant wait for a nap" i say.
"i'm gonna try not to sleep, it'll help with jet lag" Katie says.
"yeah thats so true, but i'm soooooo tired" i say pouting my lip.
"your so cute when you do that" Katie says.
"oh shut up" i say, throwing the pillow at Katie.

Its about 4pm in australia so all the team decides to go to the movie room and watch a film.
You and Katie sit together.
We all decide on Mama Mia, which is a team favourite because we all love the songs, plus its hilarious listening to Ruesha belt all the songs out.
Everyone has blankets out and katie puts a blanket over you both.
Its half way through the movie and katie notices you are fighting sleep, she puts her arm around you so you snuggle into her.
"Awh, look at those 2" Denise O'sullivan says.
Katie just smiles, Im too tired to care.

I fall asleep.


I've noticed Y/N has fallen asleep so i just let her rest. Once the movies finished i pretend to not notice that shes fallen asleep on me.
"You better wake Y/N up so she can go to bed" Abbie Larkin says.
"Nah its okay, ill carry her" I say.

I lift Y/N up with both arms and carry her to our room.
I put her in her bed and pull the covers over her and start to get myself ready for bed.


I wake up to the sound of Katie brushing her teeth. It cant be morning yet, i check my phone. 7:15pm its says. I can't remember coming up to the room which means Katie must of brought me up. I smile.

I hear Katie coming out of the bathroom.
"hey sleepy head" She says.
"Hey, did you carry me up?" i ask.
"yeah, i didn't wanna wake you" she replies
"Thats sweet" i smile at her.
Katie gets into bed.
I lie awake facing Katie as she scrolls on her phone.
She looks over to me and pulls the blanket open.
"if your gonna stare, you might as-well come over" she says smiling.
I giggle and immediately get up and get into Katie's bed then cuddle into her.
"your cute, you know that?" she says.
"Your hot, you know that?" i say.
I reach up and kiss Katie on the lips, i go to pull away but Katie pulls me back and things get heated.
We both eventually pull away to catch our breath.
Katie looks at you.
"Y/N, you have no idea how long i've waited for that"
I smile.
"You have no idea how long i've waited to have you, all of you"
Katie bites her lip and looks you up and down.

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