In the stands ~ Alanna Kennedy

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Context: Its the women's world cup and your dating Alanna. Your in the stands watching the match.


It the last 30 seconds of the game, everyone is on the edge of there seat waiting for the final whistle.
*referee blows whistle*
We all jump up from out seats in celebration because the matilda's just made it to the world cup semifinals!
The whole team does a lap of the field and i watch lovingly as my girlfriend celebrates with the fans and her teammates.

Alanna comes running over and lifts me up.
"hey baby" she says squeezing you.
"hey superstar!" i say.
"did you enjoy the game?" she asks.
"of course, you'll get your reward for playing so well when we get home" i wink at her.
"ill look forward to it" she smiles.

Alanna greets her family and friends that also came to watch, then makes her way back to me.

"Jump" she says
"what are you talking about?" i say
"my back, get on my back, jump you idiot" she laughs.
I jump on her back and she carries me onto the pitch.
In this moment i have never felt happier and so content.
My whole body feels warm and fuzzy.
This girl is special and i cant wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

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