Take it ~ Lucy Bronze (18+)

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Context: Your a Primary school teacher, You've never met Lucy Bronze before

For once i was early for work, which was a rare occurrence. I never have time to grab a coffee in the morning from my favourite coffee shop thats on my drive to work. So today i decided to get one.
The coffee shop was quiet because it was still early.
I wait in the short line and order my coffee.
I get my card out to pay. It declines.
"What? i'm so confused, i promise i have the money" I try to explain to the barista.
I go into my bag for money but before i can find any, the most beautiful girl i have every seen begins to talk.
"here, i got this" and taps her card.
"omg thank you, but you really didn't need to do that."
I blush embarrassingly hard.
"Don't worry about, just doing my good deed for the day" she smiles.

I take my coffee to go and begin to head out of the shop when i hear someone shout "wait you forgot this".
The girl that looks like she was carved by the gods, hands me a tissue with something written on it. Her number.
"oh thank you, my names Y/N by the way" i say.
"Lucy, it was lovely meeting you, text me" She says. I smile and head out to my car.

(SKIPS about 3 hours)

Ive been sitting at my desk all day, all i can think about is that girl, Lucy. Nothing i can do is getting her out my head.
Im on my break so i check my phone.
@Lucybronze has started following you.

i freeze. The girl i met in the coffee shop was Lucy bronze. THE Lucy Bronze.
I go into my bag to look for the napkin.
Found it.
I type the number into my phone and begin to type out a message.
"Hey stranger, I see you've been stalking my instagram ;)
thank you for the coffee earlier. Ive no idea why my card decided to not work. Let me repay you. Coffee, Saturday 9AM . Same spot?"

Im never bold. Like ever. But something about this girl makes me want to make it known, i want her.
The message sends.


I take a sigh of relief as i make it through my front door. i ditch my bags and coat on the floor by the door and throw myself onto the sofa, where i stay for the next 30 minutes.
I hear my phone ping.
Its a text from Lucy.

LUCY: Hey, its alright about earlier, it's happened to all of us at some point. I cant make it to coffee Saturday. Ive been told to rest my ankle. This might sound too forward but, come over tonight, ill make us some food and we can watch a film.
And yes i may have done a little bit of instagram stalking. Your too pretty to have let get away so easily.

My stomach is filled with butterflies.
I quickly text back

Y/N: Sounds great, text me the address and ill be over in an hour

LUCY: Great see you soon! (sends her address)

I jump off of the sofa and get changed into something more casual. Touch my makeup up and add some perfume. Then i'm out the door.

(SKIPS 20 minutes)

I eventually make it to Lucys house.
Lucy answers the door, shes wearing her hair in a bun with her glasses on, grey joggers and a white T-shirt. Damn, this girl is hot.

"Hey Y/N, the pasta is almost ready. you look lovely" she says.
"omg i love pasta, and thank you, you look hot"
I smile.  Lucy just laughs.

This girl is driving me insane. Most girls i meet are too scared to talk to me. Y/N is different. Shes not afraid to be bold. I like that. Turns me on.

I sit on the sofa and Lucy passes me the remote.
"Choose something to watch, ill be a minute, just going to plate this food up"
I choose Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone, my favourite of the Harry potter movies.

Lucy comes through holding 2 plates of food and places them in front of me. She then sits down next to me.
"Its boiling hot so give it a minute" she says.
Lucy places her hand on my thigh, butterflies instantly enter my stomach. Damn i want this girl bad.

She leans forward passing me the plate. I try the pasta and she digs into hers.
"OMG this pasta is better than sex Lucy" i say.
She laughs "you haven't been having sex with the right people then" she says with a smirk.
"oh really?" i say.
we watch some of the film after we finish our food. I cuddle into Lucy.
Her hand creeps up higher on my thigh.
I turn to Lucy and bite my lip. I begin to kiss her neck.
Lucy pulls me on top of her, one hand on my thigh, the other on my hip. We start kissing. I let out a moan as Lucy's hand creeps further up my thigh.
"God your sexy Y/N" she says.
I smile at her.
"You can have all of me Lucy" i say looking into her eyes. "Take it" I say.
Lucy picks me up and carries me upstairs.

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