Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Liana came into the room with their freshly warmed food. Dylan is already seated at the table. He has a shirt on now.

She handed him his food then took the seat across from him. "A good breakfast for a late evening lunch," she stated. "How has your practice been going."

"All right, I guess. I can't seem to concentrate on getting anything done though."

She tilted her head to the side to see if she could read him. He seems to be a bit off. He mirrors her movements and his face remains blank. "Every one has been down my back today trying to check on me, but no one has thought to check on you."

He shrugged nonchalantly. His problems don't compare to hers. "It is you who is important right now." He'll feel a weight lifted off his should when he sees her back healthy.

She doesn't like the mood he appears to be in. Somewhere in between her warming their food and him sitting in the room by himself, he has become slightly down a bit. It's barely noticeable but still slipping through his mask and showing. She can't believe that she didn't notice it earlier.

"You're good at hiding how you feel unlike me, but I still have this feeling that maybe you aren't as okay as you appear to be. Do you want to talk about it." All the attention was on her and she just assumed that he was doing fine. She feels so bad for not picking up on this sooner.

Dylan shook his head. An unwanted image of her not breathing flashed across his mind once again. He can't seem to escape it. He ran his hands through his dark hair. It's like a nightmare that won't go away.

He looks up at her. She's still alive and breathing. She's still beautiful. She's really pale though and that's what worries him the most.

He keeps trying to pretend that it's okay that she's here when she should be resting but it's not. What if something happens to her again. He doesn't think he can mentally handle that.

She doesn't look as good as she looked earlier. The circles under her eyes have grown darker. It's almost as if she's getting worst as the hours go by.

And as she's getting worst he's growing more upset. He's afraid that once she's out of his sight something will happen to her. He can't get that nagging feeling out of his head. He grew antsy just watching her walk slowly into the room. He doesn't want to feel like this.

"Dylan," she pressed.

At the sound of her shaky voice, the image crossed his mind again and he snapped on her. "I said I don't want to talk about it. I have been trying to get you to talk about your problems all day and you have been blowing me off and lying. If you won't let me listen to yours then I don't think you should listen to mines."

His face may be neutral but his words are angry.

Ouch! Liana felt his words hit her right where it counts. She doesn't like how that made her feel. He made her feel bad for being so passive with him when all he was trying to do was the right thing

He took a deep breath and ate his food. He didn't look up at her and remained silent as he finished his plate off.

He got up and threw his plate away. When he turned back to the table he found that Liana's head was down and that she hadn't touched her food. Damn what did he do now.

He's afraid that he has hurt her feelings. He didn't mean to.

He sat in the chair next to her and tuck a stray blonde curl of hers behind her ear. She shook her nerves away and glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

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