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"Passengers welcome to Italy Milan it's 12:10 am have a great day."
I woke up from my sleep and went down the plane
I looked around the airport I miss this I was happy to see my mom again and my town but at the same time I knew I will call the guys often and Maria I didn't want to think about Tom I was being to emotional when I was thinking of him I couldn't take what he did I couldn't feel myself with maybe I was too afraid that he will do the same thing as Loris.

I look around the parking finally seeing the car of my mom she was leaning on it with glasses her brown hair and flying to the air she was beautiful with her toned skin and white dress.

"MOM!" I screamed she turned her look and took off her glasses her green brown eyes with happiness.

We hugged each other tightly and enter in the car she drove off.

"How was you're trip my Rose?" She asked driving.

I looked at the window trying to not sound suspicious or my emotions showing.
"Great like I said Maria decided too stay longer." I said making a fake smile.

"Oh okay do you think you will return ?" She asked.

I stopped for a second
"I-i don't know maybe. So how is dad doing with business?" I change subject feeling emotions coming.

"Oh he is doing okay I guess we didn't talk for long now but you can call him when we arrived at home." She said.

I nodded my dad and mom where divorced now for 5 years It didn't really affect me they ended up in great spirits and they still have good relations I loved them so much my dad was often at business but he didn't stop calling me for news and everything I was excited to go see him.

We arrived at home my new home for not long I was thinking to buy a house alone my mom was with someone else now I didn't want to bother much the house was just for themselves and I wanted my space.

"Hi Rose how are you?" Paul said with his Italian accent he was in a relationship with my mom for 2 years now I liked him he was nice normal I don't know.

"Yeah I'm okay thank you!!" I said hugging him.


I was leaning in my room on my phone I prepared myself to call my dad I wanted to see him after a long time.


Ugh why is he not responding.

I went downstairs seeing my mom with Paul in the couch drinking coffee.

She turned to me seeing my worry face.
"What's wrong honey ?" She asked.

"Dad doesn't respond I should go check on him." I said.

"Okay be careful call me if you need anything." She said making me a sign kiss.

"Rose you can take my motorcycle!" Paul said.

I turned to him and thanked him I walked quickly to the garage a sudden emotion as I saw the motorcycle reminded me when I was with Tom the time we passed each other the moment he asked me to be hi-.

"Stop Rose." I said to myself putting the helmet on my head.

I drove off to the road my dad was more richer than my mom he was leaving in a bigger house I hope he was there.

I finally arrived at his house I knocked on the door.

1 time
No one


5 Time now still no one.

I remember that behind the house where a door that no one couldn't see but my dad showed it to me maybe it could be open so I went to the behind finally arrived in front of the door surprise it was a little bit open it was weird.

I enter in the house no sound
"Dad!" I called out.

"Dad it's Rose I'm here !" I screamed out.
No respond.

I made my way to the stairs opening each door but he wasn't here I finally arrived at the last door the one that leaned to his office maybe he was sleeping in he worked hard I guess.

I opened slowly
"DAD ITS M-" I started my arms up to surprise him.

My face suddenly went white I wanted to throw up
dad was leaning there with what seems blood where his heart was his eyes now close.

I run to him feeling tears.
"DAD WAKE UP ITS ROSE" I said shaking him his body now cold I started sobbing loudly I couldn't believe it was a nightmare.

"DAD PLEASE- W-WAKE UP IM BEGGING YOU WAKE UP" I screamed sobbing on his head.

"DAD" his body was not responding anymore.

"NO DONT DONT DO THIS TO ME" I screamed shaking him crying.

Shaking I reached my phone calling an ambulance

I returned to my dad now hugging him tightly.
"Oh dad please I'm begging you wake up please who did this to you?" I said.

I screamed loudly my heart was hurting with everything him still in my arms bleeding.

I was crying I just finished my name and this song is representing the story kidnappe love hope you loved this chapter this song is so good with this story I try my best to write this story hope you really enjoy it.
Tt : ruwsdrms

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