chapter 2

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"Do you want me to leave...?" I barley find the strength to speak. "Well it wouldn't be the first time." he won't even look at me. "That's not fair...I had no choice...I tried to stay, I wanted to stay, I would never willingly leave you blue..." "Don't call me that." he snaps. "I thought we made a promise, Luka.'' I squeeze my nails into my palms.

Don't feel. Don't feel. Don't feel Estella...
"I needed you, and you left me." He tightens his grip on his guitar. "I had no choice...I still love yo-" "Don't lie to me, I've been lied to enough recently." He turns around, headed back to the boat. "Goodbye Estella." no no no no...after everything...I can't handle it I- NO! Estella, you have to be strong...remember your training. Don't. Feel. You don't need to be Akumatized right now.

"RUN! EVERYONE RUN!" "AKUMA!" brilliant...just what I need. Ladybug and Cat noir can handle this one... "Uhm hello ma'am," I look up, blonde hair, black suit, gold bell...I see... "Are you okay?" he asks, "I'll be fine Cat noir, help ladybug with the akumatized guy..." I smile before making my way back to, I don't even know where... I didn't expect something like this to happen. Suddenly I feel arms around me, "Luka?" I breathe, full of hope...only to be disappointed. Blonde hair...he means well... "Nope, sorry...I can't let you wonder around alone either pretty lady." we leap from the ground to the roofs of the buildings around us, "Get home safe." he bows with a smile, and I return the favor.

I watch as he and ladybug fight against the Akumatized villain and sentimonster in the distance. Why would he leave a random girl on a roof instead of a road or something.'s fine anyway.

As I walk, I hear cheers in the distance. They're damn good superhero's I'll give them that. I wander around the streets when the smell of sweet macaroons catch my attention, that must be Marinette's parents bakery. I slowly make my way to the bakery, inspecting every detail of even the smallest things around me, anything to keep my mind of what happened. What happened? Nothing happened...nothing at all...
Peach bricks, glass windows, beautiful smell. I push open the door as a bell announces the presence of a new customer.

"Why hello there! Welcome to Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, how may we help you." kind brown eyes and blue hair greets me with a smile, she must be Marinette's mother. "Hello ma'am, may I please have two dozen macaroons, mixed flavors but extra strawberry with one coffee please, I like the suprise." I smile. "Coming right up!" Navy blue hair says. "Are you hosting a party young lady?" Brown hair chuckles from behind the counter, "No sir, I just had a bad day and macaroons are my comfort food." I smile. "'I'm really sorry to here about that, I assure you these will fix you right up dear." Marinette's mother smiles handing me two small boxes as I hand her the money.

"Is Marinette home?" I ask. ''Are you a friend of hers? She's up stairs if you'd like me to get her." blue hair, Mrs. Dupain Cheng points upwards. I nod with a smile as she shouts for Marinette informing her that a friend is here to see her.

"Coming!'' a sweet voice chimes, followed by a crash and an "Ow'' before Marinette enters the room, rubbing her head. "Oh, hey Stella. What brings you here?'' she waves with a smile. "Hello Marinette, I've come to see you," smile Estella...come can do this. "Oh! Uhm...Let's go upstairs." She chuckles awkwardly as I follow her upstairs.

"Please don't say anything to Adrien..." she looks back before hesitantly opening the door to her room. I climb into her room and I'm quite speechless, I was more in awe of the design and the dresses before I even caught a glimpse of the...amount of pictures of Adrien...I was not expecting this.

"Please don't say anything..." She looks down, fidgeting with her hands, I assure her that I won't and offer her a macaroon before taking one myself. Sweet, soft whispers alarm Marinette, "OH! Silly me! I MUST HAVE left a movie on." she grinds her teeth in a warning tone.

"Don't worry Marinette, I pose no treat to them."
"What are you talking about? There's no one here besides us." she laughs nervously.
"You don't have to keep pretend Marinette, it's okay, I'm familiar with the kwamis." I bite into a strawberry macaroon.

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