chapter 4

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We've gotten smoothies, watched a movie and watched Adrien and Marinette nearly confess to each other. We're walking through Place des Vosges and sat on the benches watching the waterfall. "Ridiculous, UTTERLY ridiculous Sabrina!" "Ugh, today was going so well and now she's here." Alex rolls her eyes.

"Baker girl! You can't possibly think my Adrikins would ever like you do you-" "You couldn't possibly believe he'd like you either can you Chloé." I slurp my smoothie inspecting her from head to toe. "I see you haven't changed Chloé, your'e still as annoying as ever. How are you Audrey's daughter and STILL have no style." I smile at the priceless expression on her face.

"Your'e ridiculous Estella, Utterly-" "Utterly ridiculous yeah yeah we know. Listen, I'd be careful if I were don't want both the Agrestes and Fathoms hating you more than they already do now do you, and hello Sabrina, it's lovely to see you again. I always preferred Zoe over you Chloé, I always will." Chloé stamps her foot to the ground, curls her fists and walks away, I have no idea how sweet Sabrina is still with her.

"Damn girl." Alya and the gang all laugh together as I notice Marinette's head hanging down as she fidgets with her hands. I walk up to her, kneel down and look her in the eyes, "Don't listen to her, she's a bitch. You two are made for each other, I know it." maybe I shouldn't be giving soulmate advice...the person I thought was my forever ended up being a promise breaking liar... "Thanks Stella." she smiles, reaching for my hands but I pull them away as a reflex, shit..."I'm really sorry Marinette I- sometimes I feel really...uncomfortable when people touch me. It's not you, I swear, I've always been like this and it's really random but I feel like I need to tear my skin off after." I really hope tat didn't sound rude.

"We understand Stella, don't worry, your'e our friend now." "We'll never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable," "Yea, your'e safe with us." Rose, Myléne and Juleka add, so...this is what it's like to have friends...I wish I could trust that easily.

The sun is beginning to set, we walk around the streets of Paris when we stumble upon André and decided to get ice cream.

"Vanilla for her perfume, strawberry and cherry for the indecisive young pair and bubblegum for his hair." he smiles, "I'm sorry André but there's now boy." I force a smile. "Are you sure about that?" he smiles, pointing to the bridge to the South of where we were standing. Blue...
''Young lady, your ice cream." "Oh, right, sorry." I take the cone but when I turn back, he's gone...I sigh as Juleka puts her hand on my shoulder.

''Oh sorry," she looks down and moves her hand. "Don't be Jules, I'm sorry for not acting myself....I just didn't expect him to move on so fast...we promised to wait for each other...and I waited...each day was absolute agony..." I scoop some ice cream and enjoy the blend of flavors, Juleka takes a scoop with me because apparently we can't have Andrés ice cream alone or something, I don't know.
"Thank you for today, seriously I mean it. I'll be heading home today-" "There you are! I've been worried sick! It's really late Ell." Felix runs over to me as I assure him that I'm okay and he has nothing to worry about. I greet everyone a final goodbye, " you maybe wanna join us for practice tomorrow?'' Rose asks...I freeze..."Only if your'e comfortable wit it." Marinette adds. "Sure." I smile, I'll be damned if I'm going to allow a boy to prevent me from being with my friends, even if that boy has had my heart for years...

I get into the car and Félix immediately pulls me into his arms, "I'm sorry Ell." I can't act around him...he's my other half. I wrap my arms around him, my eyes begin to feel like lava, glass shatters in my lungs, my head turns into a balloon and flies away from my rest of my body, "It h-hurts.." "Breathe's okay. Natalie told me about the macaroons so I got you a few extra boxes with ice cream and lots of chocolate okay. We'll stay with Adrien today, play a bunch of video games, eat all the junk you want and" he pauses, takes a deep breath, "Because your'e can do makeup...on me." "REALLY?!" I jump, laughing between cries as he nods full of dread.

The night went exactly as planned. Adrien and I made fun of Félix's makeup, Adrien volunteered for me to do his as well, we did skincare and modeled in things that would put Uncle Gabriel in a coma. My family doesn't deserve the past we've endured...well, the three of us don't and neither does my mother.
The night was definitely the most fun I've had in years, however we regretted it immensely the next day..."Maybe we ate a bit too much junk." Adrien laughed holding his stomach as Félix drank at least 3 bottles of water consecutively like he's been stranded in a dessert for months.

I go to the bathroom and open my bag to check up on Silkk who is, as well, regretting last nights food choices. "Well that was A BREAK UP PARTY if I've ever been to one." she laughs as I open the tap for her to drink.

"Are you going see your friends." she looks up at me with her big blue eyes, big blue eyes... no Estella...enough. "Yes Silkk if you must know I am seeing MY FRIENDS only." "I'm the kwami of faith Ell you can't lie to me, and I also just happen to be your best friend." "Your'e right," I sigh "Or are you." "I AM!" she cried crossing her arms. "Ell! Are you done! Moms calling us down for breakfast!" Félix shouts from the other side of the door. "Quick Silkk, hide. I'LL BE OUT IN A SECOND." I wash my face and brush my teeth and make my way downstairs.

"Oh no...I smell pancakes..." Adrien sighs as we make our way towards the kitchen. "Oh...Uhm...sorry Mr. Agreste I think I'm gonna go out for breakfast..." "Yeah, me too." Félix and I try to back out of the kitchen, "You know what Gabriel...Since it's our first official morning here I think I'm going to spoil the kids to a breakfast out.." Mom chuckles nervously as she wraps her arms around the three of us, "Just play along so we don't have to eat those pancakes, no offence Adrien." she whispers.

"Sir, Lilah Rossi is here to see you."
"How many times do I have to tell that girl no, if she can't get a call she'd come to the house. Maybe we can eat together tomorrow." He smiles, Félix and I look at each other, somethings not right with him. "Oh dear how unfortunate, oh well see you later Gabriel." Mom tells us to head upstairs and get ready, this must be hard for Adrien... "You okay Adrien..? Félix, you and I can head out instead if you want." I smile. "That's fine Stella, I don't want to ruin-" "Mom! THREE OF US ARE HEADED TO MARINETTES BAKERY INSTEAD!" "DO YOU WANT ANYTHING?" Félix and I shout, "OKAY KIDS!" she replies as the four of us get ready.

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