chapter 3

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"IT IS YOU!" Sass flies out from behind a stack of books, followed by Tikki, Wyss and everyone else. "Hello everyone." I smile and open my bag. "Wakey wakey Silkk." I look down at her as she stretches her legs and flies out of my bag. "It's too early Ell...why am I awake, this better be good. Oh hey guys. Mmmm I smell macaroons-Wait... GUYS?!" her smile melted away all my sorrows, as long as she has a happy reunion, I'm happy.

"WAIT! Can someone please explain what is happening right now." Marinette voice is coated in worry and confusion.
"Hello, I'm Silkk the spider kwami and kwami of Faith, pleasure to make you acquaintance. " Silkk places two of her eight hands on her tummy and bows. "You are a great guardian Marinette, and an even greater Ladybug." I smile. handing a blueberry macaroon to Silkk, blue...No Estella stop it, you must not allow your emotions to get the better of you. Marinette is pacing up and down the room mumbling to herself.

''I know this is a lot but your secret is safe with me, don't worry. I just came here to tell you my identity incase you need my help. Silkk is the kwami of Reality, she can see into the web of Faith and see the future." Silkk and I laugh at my attempted joke as Marinette joins soon after.

"You must be very confused... Let me explain everything." I gesture to the chair beside me asking permission to sit, she nods.

"I was 13 when I had to leave Paris to go back to London to live with my family again, when I was very young, I met Master Fu, he gave me Silkk and showed me how to be a good holder, I met all the kwamis and they became my only friends other than Juleka and..." come on Estella...keep it together. "...and Luka..." deep breaths Estella...

"Uhm...after I left, I'd seek out to train with Master Su Han, I have no idea how he found me but I'm thankful I did. It was hard keeping secrets from my brother but he's smart enough to know when not to intervene." "Your brother is Felix...that's so crazy." she sighs. "Why?" I ask.

"You're so...different."
"Not actually, he just finds it hard to show his true self especially around people he doesn't know or trust, and trust me...he doesn't trust easily." I smile, reaching for another macaroon as I watch Silkk catch up with everyone. "So yeah, now I'm back." I smile, "You must be really excited." "Yea...I guess..." don't feel Estella...shut it off..."OH Ell, how'd it go with Luka?" Fuck... I close my eyes and gulp down the growing lump in my throat.

"MARINETTE! Can we come in? We have the things for the science project."
"Quick hide!" Marinette whispers to the kwamis as I open my bag for Silkk. "YOU CAN COME IN GUYS!" Marinette yells as the group enter her room. "Oh hey Stella, I didn't expect to see you here." Alya smiles as I greet everyone. "I was just talking to Marinette about a collaboration I wanted to do with her, I love art and I was hoping we could work on something together." I smile and offer them macaroons, I'll pick up more on my way home.

"That's a wonderful idea!" blonde and rainbow hair cheers as Marinette joins them. "What are your plans." I only just got here so we barley got into the details." I try to smile, Juleka sits beside me. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier Stella..." she whispers. "Tell me what?" the room fell silent. "The reason Luka acted the way he did..." she hesitates, "Is because he's going trough a break"

My heart stops, the air is stopping at my lips as my lungs cry out for it. My skin is being weaved by hands of lava aided by iron nails. My heart is gasping for air, clawing at the hands that's pushing it under water. My mouth and eyes betray me. "Breathe El..." Silkk whispers from my bag. She's right, emotions are for children.

"Ah, I see." I put all my strength into a smile that barley appears. "Is he coping...? Is he okay?" Why are you even asking that Estella, why the hell do you care when he clearly never did. "Not really..." Juleka sighs, "I'm so sorry Stella, I really did mean to tell you earlier..." Marinette fidgets with her hands. "It's okay Marinette, you've done noting wrong." You're not the one who broke a promise, he is. "Maybe make me more of these and we'll call it even." I smile and smile and smile so hard all in attempts to push back my tears. "I'm still really glad you came back Stella." Juleka rests her head on my shoulder. "I'm glad to see you and Miss C too...and to meet all of you." I smile. I don't ever want to smile...

"HHEYYY! I am so sorry I'm late." Red hair. "Whoa, what's going on?" "Hello, I'm Estella, nice to meet to." I do my best to sound welcoming. "Alex, nice to meet you too. Why is everyone so..." she pauses, Alya is trying to signal her to stop talking. "It's okay...really it is. I Uhm...I'll leave you to your project. Thank you for having me." I grab my macaroon boxes. "Whoa wait, I don't think you should leave or be alone right now. You look sad and, well, we have a super villain that makes you nuts when you're like this, we don't want you to get akumatized." red hair opens her arms, guarding the door. She has a good point. 'Let's go get smoothies or watch a movie! I bet that will cheer you up." Rose, I believe, chimes cheerfully.

"That's a great idea!"
"Yea let's go!" everyone cheers and gathers their things. Well, I guess we're going then. I drop two macaroons in my bag for Silkk and make my way downstairs with the group.

As we enter the bakery, I'm met with familiar hombre hair, "Ms. Fathom." "Hey Nat, can I help you?" I force a smile. "I was sent to get you." "I'll come home later, I'll be safe I promise. May I ask for a favor?" she nods. "Please take 4 dozen macaroons home for me, they're absolutely to die for by the way Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Cheng." I smile as I reach into my bag to get my purse. "No no, allow me." Natalie gently pushes my hand away and asks for 5 dozen macaroons instead. "I feel like I've missed A LOT. Are you related to Adrien or something?" Red hair asks. "We're cousins." "Ah, okay." "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to sound's just been a hell of a day." I say to Alex. "It's cool."
"I'll see you at home Ella, it's good to have you back." Natalie offers me a smile as I attempt to return the favor.

"Okay girls, let's go." Alya leads the way out of the bakery.

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