Chapter 10

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[The next day around 2pm.]

"Hello ma'am, Is Stella home?"

"I'm here Marinette." I call from the kitchen as I drink the tea mom made to sooth my cough. Marinette and my mother walk in, "Are you okay?" she asks with concern, "Of course, do you need something?" I smile holding back my cough.

"Can we talk please, it's an emergency." the look in her eyes show how important this is. "My room's upstairs." I smile leading her upstairs. I close the door and when I turn around, Marinette is Ladybug.
"Ah...that kind of talk, got it." I cough. "You don't have to, we can find another way you seriously don't look good." I shake my head at her as Silkk rushes to me.

"I agree with Marinette..." She places her arms on my back trying to sooth the cough. "I'm fine, the Akuma won't catch itself now..." I take a deep breath. "Silkk, spin faith" Moments later I'm in my miraculous suit, blue and grey from head to toe with Silkks fangs illustrated in my lipstick, my mask a deep blue with a light blue design that mimics that of Silkks and my hair adopts light blue highlights,the sleeves of my suit have little spikes like a spiders legs.
I've missed this...

"Lead the way Ladybug." I smile.
"Okay, let's go."

A few moments later Ladybug and I arrive, everything is pure chaos...

"Mi'lady, things aren't looking good! Oh, well meiow how are you today madam?".
"Hello there Puss in boots" I smile but it fades, he looks like Adrien...that would just be weird ew, behind him is...Luka? "Oh ladybug, you're back and with backup. Hello, I'm Viperion and you are?" that voice...I'd know him even in death. "A-Arachnia..." we smile at each other. "We can get all lovey dovey later love birds, right now we have a bit of a situation." Cat Noir says.

"Okay so, here's the plan. Petrify over there can read peoples minds and bring their worst fear to life, the Akuma is in his glasses. Now, Arachnia will use her power of faith to see the future in store during the fight." She gets cut off by a flying piece of concrete that catches, wraps her yoyo string around and defects. Damn...

"Good eye mi'lady."

"Thanks kitty, but we have to hurry. Viperion, you'll use your power of second chance to bring us back if there's any changes or if any of us get hit but right now we need to evacuate everyone. Kitty I need you to cover Arachnia while she uses her web of faith power."

We split up. I hide behind a building and Cat Noir follows. "Web of faith." I close my eyes as my soul travels to the further. Okay, so I have to find the string for today, I wander around the giant web as soft memory chimes create a melody in the air. Voices of laughter and cries everywhere you turn.

Found it. I gently hold the web as it attaches to my fingers, I take in a deep breath as suddenly I'm on the battlefield.
Ladybug and cat noir got hit by Petrify, Viperions hands are being held apart to prevent him from using his power of second chance...okay so we need to go back further.

I run my fingers down the silk string as time rewinds. I inspect the surroundings, Ladybug is next to André the ice cream mans trolley, Cat Noir is saving some brunette beside a green car and Viperion...Viperion is using his second chance right now so everything changing, fucking perfect.

I sigh, time to go back and look at it again. I come back to reality. "Hey Puss in Boots, please tell that fricken lizard over there to hold of on his power for 5 MINUTES PLEASE! If he doesn't stop I won't be able to see what's going to happen and he's going to end up exhausting his kwami and min!" I shout and Cat Noirs eyes widen before smiling and heading towards Viperion.

Okay, let's do this one last time.


Okay let's do this ONE last time.

Again? Really?

This better be the last time.



"How many times have you gone back?" Ladybug asks Viperion.

"TWENT SEVEN FUCKING TIMES! And each time this faith web is altered." I sense something coming and I draw the scythe that was attached to its handle on the back of my suit and throw it in that direction. Well that was not what I expected...
"More people are getting hit so more fears are coming to reality which means more weird things like that," I point at the flying cob of corn with razor sharp teeth and no eyes, "are going to have to be dealt with! Let me just see one timeline, just one please."

Another weird creature appears in front of me but before I could retaliate Cat Noir appears out of nowhere and hit it away.

I close my eyes and sit back down, I press my hands together, "Venom." A dark purple sphere surrounds me, this isn't going to hold for long, we must be quick.

I'm back in the Web and I look for our string, yellow is for future, red for love, black for death and blue for success. Okay, the yellow one for today.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, allowing myself to be pulled into it. Alright lets see this freeze frame.

Viperion using his lyre against some living phone thing, Cat Noir ready to use his cataclysm and ladybug is beside him, waiting on the Eiffel tower for a chance to pounce, me below as a distraction, okay this looks promising, so I'll have to recharge of course and everyone has a place to be. Fucking finally.

I bring myself back to reality and quickly find a place to hide, "Silk, web unspun." Silkk pants before i open my bag to chocolate awaiting her. "CAT NOIR!" I yell and stop him before he gets too close.

"My identity is exposed at the moment, I need to recharge. So basically Viperion is on crowd control with his lyre but needs to watch out for a living human sized phone thing, the Akuma is in Petrifies glasses, you and ladybug wait on the Eiffel tower for a chance to charge at him and I'll be on the ground as a distraction. Once distracted, Ladybug uses her yoyo to knock his glasses off and you cataclysm it. Got it?" I yell awaiting an answer between his attacks.

"Got it! Good work madam, recharge quick while I tell the others." He pounces off.

"You ready Silkk?" I look down in my bag. "Last piece." She takes a big bite of the last piece of chocolate in the slab, "READY!"

I smile. "Alright then, Silkk, spin faith!" Seconds later, I'm ready to join the others. "Okay, now that everyone's here, we can go ahead with the plan." Ladybug smiles as we each nod and head for our posts.

The plan commences just as I saw it. My head begins to spin rapidly, I just barley dodge one of petrifies attacks before Ladybug and Cat Noir release the Akuma. I fall to my knees...what's going on...

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug shouts in the near distance.

"Hey, are you alright?" Blue hair, blue eyes. "Luka?"

My vision is completely stolen by the forced carousel my head has become.

"Arachnia!" Ladybug rushes to me just as her earrings begin to flash. "We have to hurry. I'll take her home." I wrap my arms around Ladybugs neck.

What felt like forever later, we finally reach my balcony.

"Silkk, web unspun." I gasp for air and Silkk appears in front of me.

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