chapter 5

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Adrien shows me one of the empty rooms I can use to change. I pick out my favorite black pants and white shirt and black mary janes. Silkk picks out a bag for me to use, that she would feel most comfortable in. I put on my black and gold belt and do my hair. I hand Silkk a piece of chocolate, keeping the rest of the slab in my bag along with Silkks soft ball of cotton wool that she sleeps on and make my way out of the room to meet the boys.

We wonder the streets of Paris chatting, I try to engage as much as I can to keep myself distracted but the entire world stops when I see him delivering things for Marinette's parents, shit shit shit "How about we go somewhere else? I believe we had enough weeks last night."
"Why? I thought you wanted to go to Marinette's for breakfast." Félix nudges Adrien just as he finishes his sentence, they both look over at the bakery and see Luka.

"Oh...yea totally let's go somewhere else." "No Adrien, your'e right...I wanted to get something from the bakery, I'm not going to allow a boy to stop that, I got this. You two wait here" I take a deep breath and make my way to the bakery. I hesitate at the door, deep breaths Estella...

I grip the door knob but it opens on it's own. Oh no...
Blue hair, blue eyes, beautiful smile that slowly fades...

''Hello Luka." breathe Estella.
I walk past him and into the bakery. "Estella, welcome dear! What can we do for you today." "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Cheng, may I please have 5 croissonts and a dozen macaroons." "What flavors macaroons dear?" she smiles.

"Mixed, extra strawberry and one coffee for a surprise. The same for me too please Mrs. C" Mrs. C...? I turn around to find Luka standing behind me, shit I thought he was gone... "Sure thing Luka, just give us a moment." Mr. Cheng smiles, I clear my throat and fidget with my bracelet. Deep breaths... "I found your letter." Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck! I completely forgot about those...

Silence corrodes the air between us, "Meet me under the bridge after practice okay..." he sighs, I nod. We both get our food and leave, Félix rushes to me asking if I was okay and if anything happened. "Yea...I'm fine I guess. Let's go get some sandwiches or something. I got us croissonts and macaroons." I look at my brother who does not look convinced and Adrien who looks like he petties me. "Let's go." I must convince them that everything is okay.

We get burgers and eat our croissonts at the harbor. Later on, Adrien leaves for fencing and Felix walks me to Lukas- Julekas boat. "El, listen...I want what's best for you, you know that right? And I'm always going to protect you and Adrien, all I want is for you to be happy and-"
"I'm going to be okay Lix, trust me. Besides, Adrien is going to join us after practice and all my friends are there. I'll be okay" I hug him as tight as I can, ever since our father passed he's been so much more protective over me, he's my brother and even though we fight like all other siblings, I love him with all my heart.
"There's someone I want you to meet tomorrow okay, clear your schedule at 5 okay." He smiles as he calls our mom and lets her know where to pick him up just before he leaves me with a final wave, I'm quite excited to meet this mystery friend.

You got this Estella...deep breaths. "Agreste? Seriously? You too?"
"Please don't Ella..." he sighs as he sits on the stairs, he thinks Félix is Adrien? What does he mean 'you too',oh...Marinette...

"Okay..." I walk up the staircase fighting every urge to turn back. "STELLA!" Rose rushed to me with open arms but stops just before she could hug me, I smile and open my arms to her. It's okay

Estella...they're safe...I'm sure of it.
"Hey girl." "Hey Stella." Marinette and Alya beam followed by Juleka and everyone else.

I sit on one of the chairs circling the stage as I keep my sketchbook on my lap. Marinette and I discuss our collaboration, turns out we're actually going to end up doing it. Mrs. C. and Blu- and Luka help brings everyone mini hotdogs as everyone sings and laughs and plays different instruments. I can't take my eyes off him, the way he smiles, the way he laughs, the way he helps everyone around him, I know I should, I really should look away...but how could I, he was my best friend. Why does everyone get the real Luka except me...I guess I do deserve it anyway. He won't even look at me.

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