Chapter 11

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*at the conference*

"Lando, is it true that he's your son?" Journalist after Journalist have now asked me. I have not comented on it yet though, ive just told them that i will not awnser any questions about it before the conference. I'm curently just a few minutes away from going out there, to tell them the truth. Julie and Liam is sitting on the couch, and they will join me on stage after i have answerd the questions.

As i walk out on the stage the paparazzi immediately starts to take photos, i walk up to the lectern. I can hear people screaming my name around me, and i try my best to shut it out.

"Hello everyone, i'm sure you all know why we are here. So im gonna go straight to the point. Yes, Liam is my son and as you already know Charles's nephew" It feels so good to just say it, and i can't wait to show him off.

"How long have you been together with Julie?" One of the reporters ask.''

"Only a few months now, but we used to have a thing for eachother back in 2018. If that wasen't to obvious" I say trying to explain our one night stand in a more apropiate way.

"We saw you, Charles and Liam out karting the other day, has this betterd your relationship with Charles in any way? And who won?"

"Absolutely, not that we didn't have a good relationship before he was born. Its just that we have gotten to know eachother better, and for your question about who won it was actually Liam"

"How did you meet Julie? I assume your not childhood friends since your from England and she's from Monaco" as the question was asked, the flashbacks from our night together came back. I'm not mad about it though, just bad timing for wet daydreams. I'll definitley have to do some off it to her again later, but i guess this is not the time or place to think about this.

"We actually met on vecation, if you can call it that. Charles was speaking on a racing conference that i was there to watch. And i followed her back from the bar, as she was to drunk to find the way back to her room. After she had been in an argument with Charles, and gotten drunk"

"Do you know what the argument was about?" The audacity he has for even asking that question, its very private and has nothing to do with why we are actually here. Sometimes all i want to do is strangle the reporters.

"I know, but i will not answer that question in respect for my girlfriend. If she's ok with it being out, she can anwser it herself" As I look over at the stage opening, I can see Julie smiling at me and i smile back at her.

"Is Liam and Julie here today?"

"They are actually" I look over at Julie and give them a sign to come out on stage. When they finaly get over here i give her a long kiss, and bend down to hug Liam.

"So this is my beautiful girlfriend and my son" I say proudly to the press.

"I guess we can take one more question before we leave" Honestly i just want to get out of here, and spend some quality time with my family.

"Julie, why did you get back together with Lando?" I look at the man who asked the question with a wierded out look, but honestly i'm kinda curious about her anwser

"Well i guess we both realized that we still had feelings for eachother, and its also a big pluss that Liam gets to grow up with both parents around. Eversince my dad passed, i have wished that i got to be more around him. So i'm incredibly luck to have met the love of my life, and also get to call him the father of my child" Wow she took that well. I had kinda forgot about her father though, so getting to hear her talk about him like that hits diffrent. I nod at the crowd before we walk off the stage, when we get off i immediately give her a kiss.

"That felt so good to get out, and now i cant wait to spend the evening with you and Liam" i tell her, trying to calm down my excitement.

"I'm glad you feel good, but i have to disappoint you, Charles is watching Liam tonight. So you are going to be stuck with me, alone"

"And who said that is a bad thing?" I said with a smirk before kissing her again

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