Collison Course

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Author's Note ~

Did you guys see the new one-shot book that we published? We decided to make a new one and re-edit, change a couple of chapters, and add one. So, if you guys want to enjoy that and maybe send in some requests, feel free to!

Side Notes ~

Two chapters? Yes. A one-shot book? Totally. Trollhunter Mania? Oh, yes! Crazy!

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The perspective had been placed on Akridion-5, everything seeming normal and calm compared to what the home planet had been going through. Hovering advanced vehicles ran through the streets of Arkiridon-5, an automated voice speaking to the civilized area.

"Quadrant Two, initializing transport in ten sectons." Down, further through the busy streets, people walk with a calm demeanor compared to a rushing Aja, back in her normal form as she panted, seeming worried.

Everyone looked at the screen in confusion, questioning what she had been doing on her home planet which currently was in a bad state. Steve glanced at her, wondering if he had missed something so important that risked her safety once more, but when he looked at her, she wasn't really worried, only reflecting it seemed.

"Aja, I do not remember this, what are or were you doing?" Krel asked as Aja faced him.

"Don't worry little brother, it is just a nightmare. I remember this well."

The crowd leaned in, listening closely for answers, which Aja didn't mind, she really couldn't when everyone was seeing everything about her to begin with.

"What is it with all of you having dreams like this and scaring us? Even confusing us?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jim mumbled.

She froze when she stood near a tall cylinder-like building, a loud thump echoing behind her and causing her to face whatever landed, her face never faltering the panicked look. Aja gasped as General Morando's face appeared between the cracks of the ship.

Quickly, Aja pulled out her serator, the smoke pouring as the ship's door opened while she backed away. She whimpered and donned her blade as Morando stepped closer to her, seeming much more significant than he had been compared to her.

He pointed his finger outward as she began to run, "fire."

"Mama! Papa!" Aja yelled, seeing her parents hugging one another, never moving, but alive as they stared down a vast shadow. Aja looked back, a massive ship being the source of the shadow.

A vast red light lit up behind her parents she froze, screaming in a panic as it fired, a red cloud crashing over her like a tidal wave.

"No, no, no!" She cried, shielding her face before it went dark. She held the same posture as the smoke cleared, panting heavily as Luug barked. Her eyes darted through the room, looking back at her pet who cocked his head to the side, smiling.

She lowered her arms, still under the covers of her bed as the room was quiet and still. That was until Luug jumped on her chest, licking her face as she groaned, trying to escape the drool.

The crowd relaxed as they glanced at the screen. After hearing her say it was nothing but a simple nightmare, they understood, yet, it still sent a slight panic through them. The class had learned with Jim, that relaxing was never a good idea because they knew they'd have to worry later.

"Luug, stop." She gently pushed him off as he continued to stomp on her, the pet playfully rolling on his back as she giggled, beginning to rub and tickle his stomach. She pulled him into a tight hug before realizing something.

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