Flying the Coop

369 12 13

Author's Note ~

Uh... are we already halfway through the first season?

Oh, yes we are! Can you guys believe that? Maybe it helps that we've been doing two episodes with each update! Also, this doesn't have three seasons, one with nearly 30 episodes! We will try to update the One-Shot book monthly as well, but we are running out of ideas.

So, if you have any ideas, please suggest some!

»»————-  ————-««

Deep within space, a strange mysterious figure stood upon jagged rocks and raised his digitalized device toward the green and blue planet, listening to Omega speak through the comms.

"That child might have stolen our subspace manifold but if he thinks I can't find a workaround–"

"How long do you need?"

"A few delsons," Omega answered as the third member of their party appeared.

"The royals may have bought themselves more time, but they won't be safe in their backwater town of Arcadia for long."

Whoever listened to their conversation and stared at the source of the images ahead of them, spoke. "And now, I, Halcon, agree."

"Wait, wait. They were being spied on? Damn, here I thought this was a whole member of the Zerons going insane."

"I'm just saying, these guys don't seem so scary anymore, maybe it's because we watched Gunmar and all that, but I think we'd kick their butts."

"Who is a Gunmar?" Aja asked, instantly curious.

"Some evil troll that threatened to eat all of us, you remember that Eclipse right?"

"We were barely here for it, but we saw some things." Krel said before gasping, "Wait, I know what you are talking about, all of this is connected?"

"Yeah, it seems you guys are lining up with our story too," Claire replied.

"Cool, we are connected more to Earth than we thought, and you don't like this place, little brother."

"I still don't."

From whoever was ready to strike at the royals, the scene changed. Down in the mothership, both Varvatos and Aja stood in their regular forms, standing on a platform while the guardian chuckled.

Aja didn't let herself be cornered and dawned her weapon, Varvatos grinning at the sight before he charged. Skillfully, Aja leaped over him, easily dodging his blow, but not the second one he instantly delivered when she stuck her landing.

Aja gasped as she was shoved back, nearly tipping over the edge before she steadied herself. Varvatos laughed as his weapon kept her own from moving.

"Glorious, your first day of warrior training and you haven't met a grisly death."

"You're trying to kill me?" Aja asked in shock.

"If Varvatos were really trying, you would be dead!" Aja grew angered and leaped over her mentor, the two blocking and delivering blows as Varvatos continued. "For Varvatos always wins! Attack, do not merely evade."

"I'm waiting for an opening," Aja grunted out as their weapons were pressed together. "I don't want to–" She grunted when Varavtos kicked her away, her weapon and herself flying over the edge, her fingers gripping the ledge. "To get hurt."

She pushed herself up as Varvatos held out a helping hand, pulling her to a stand. "Getting hurt is inevitable for a warrior, but it is the fear of injury that will get you killed." Aja groaned and held her side, looking back at him.

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