Chapter 3

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   I'm in the next town over hoping someone wants to pick my tab up and then take me home with them. I don't like hookups, they can be dangerous I know but, sometimes...a girl just needs more than her vibrator.

I head to the bar and sit on the side so I can see who walks in. I won't know anyone around here but, I gotta see the cards I'm dealt as they come.

"Let me buy you a drink?" A man's voice calls out and I smile to myself. I don't know the last time I had to buy my own drink. I turn around to see what I may have in store for tonight. But when I see him my face turns.

"Jake!" I say shocked. It's one of Kristen's younger twin brothers!

"Cassidy? Oh shit..." he laughs nervously.

"It's been awhile!" I say recovering the awkwardness.

"Yeah, sorry. If I would've known it was you I-"

"It's all good! Are you here alone?" I wonder, hoping he's not with his parents or something. Major shit hit the fan over the last few months between them with Kristen and Jason. I don't want to get wrapped up in any of it.

"Yeah, just came by after work."

"Oh well...sit! Please!" I say panicking. What am I doing? I'm not getting lucky if people think I'm here with him! I just ruined my entire plan.

"You sure?"

"Yeah! Why not!" I act like it's no big deal and he sits.

"Well I'll still pay your tab. What's new with you?"

"Not much! Same old same! How bout you?"

"Well I just moved out a couple weeks ago so that's been great. My parents are fucking nuts. I'm sure you know all about it."

"Ha, yeahhhh." I'm not exactly sure what to say because he's not invited to their wedding either I don't think.

"I wanna reach out to Kristen and apologize for everything I've said in the past and stuff. I was immature and I realize now it's my parents who are the insane ones. I don't know if she'd give me the chance to even explain though."

"Yeah I'm not sure. I'm sure she'd appreciate the apology though." I shrug and sip my drink. This is sorta awkward. I cannot tell Kristen about this conversation. She'd be pissed if she knew I told him to apologize. She wants no contact with her family anymore. She gave them enough chances and they've failed every time.

"Yeah so what are you doing up here anyway? Little far from home aren't you?"

"Ha." I take another drink not sure what I wanna say. Do I lie? Do I just be honest? Maybe if I'm honest he'll leave me alone for the rest of the night and I could still have a chance at getting lucky.

"Just trying to fish in a different pond if you catch my drift." I say laughing.

"Ohhh I got ya. Same here ha." He laughs and I laugh. This is Kristen's little brother, imagining him engage in any type of sexual activity just isn't a thing. I've known Kristen since high school which means I've known Jake and Nick his twin brother since they were...I don't know, 10 years old? They are still teenagers to me so it's weird to imagine.

That being said, 2 more drinks down and all of a sudden I don't see it as weird anymore. Jake has me in the back of my car, almost fully naked. He really had a glow up, he's pretty ripped under his shirt. He definitely works out and he smells so good. I gotta somehow figure out what cologne he wears so I can get some and spray it on my pillow.

"You're on something right?" He asks in between kisses.

"Yeah but we should still use a condom." I say only because there is no way in hell I want to get pregnant for one. And two, an accidental pregnancy from Kristen's brother!? I mean just kill me now.

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