Chapter 6

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   As soon as me and Zach get Cassidy situated in the bed he goes and gets her suitcase from my truck. I grab the trash can from the bathroom and put it beside her. She's out cold but I know that'll only last so long.

"Alright here's her bag, you good then?" Zach asks setting it on the chair in the corner of the room. We both look at her still all made up and in her bridesmaid dress yet.

"Yeah, think we should get the dress off her though?"

"Shit I ain't, get one of the girls to do that."

"You think she'll really care? She'll thank us in the morning." I try and watch what I say. Little does Zach know I had her out of this dress a couple hours ago. I wait for him to think, if he says he doesn't think it's worth it I won't push it. I just don't think being in a dress would be very comfortable in the first place so, to be drunk is a new level in my opinion.

"Alright, yeah let's just put her in a t shirt or something instead." He says and we uncover her. I grab one of my t shirts and we roll her over, I unzip the back of her dress just like I did earlier, although the stakes this time are quite different.

"Let's just take it off over her head and then pull the shirt over." I suggest. So we roll her onto her back and scoot the dress up. As soon as her waist is exposed Zach covers her with the sheet and we keep going. We get to over her boobs and she starts to wake up a little. Me and Zach both panic a little even though we're doing nothing wrong.

"Mmm Trent?" She groans.

"Yeah, Cassidy it's me and Zach just trying to get you comfortable."

"Oh then are we gonna have sex again?" She mumbles and my face numbs, I look at Zach and try and play it off.

"Again!? Um no? Haha." I laugh at her and start to feel myself sweat. Thankfully Zach laughs too and it doesn't seem like he has any suspicions. Hopefully just passing it off as a drunk girl thing.

"Pleaseeee I want it-"

"Cassidy just go back to sleep. You're drunk." Zach tells her and we finish getting her dressed. I drape her dress over a chair, Zach covers her up and she falls asleep again.

"Thanks man. Hopefully she doesn't remember any of this." I laugh.

"She's fucking wasted, no way in hell she will. If anything she'll wake up remembering whatever sex dream you were in with her." He laughs and heads for the door. I lock it behind him and get changed myself, I'm exhausted. I look at the other bed, still perfectly made. Then I look at the one she's in, I know I have to make sure she stays sleeping on her side in case she chokes. I'd also like if she'd get it in the trash can. I undress and get in the other side of the bed. Staring up at the ceiling and knowing that as tired as I am...I'm not gonna get much sleep taking care of her tonight.

   I'm standing in the steamy hotel bathroom brushing my teeth when Cassidy rounds the corner. She looks like she got flushed down the toilet but she's still cute. Wearing one of my t shirts yet, her hair up in the bun I did at 1am while she was puking and, I still can't shake that dress she wore last night. She was so dam hot. Not to mention the sex...incredible for a quickie.

"Um...!?" She's clearly confused. Damn it. I didn't think she'd forget everything that happened last night. She wasn't drunk when we had sex, it was afterwards when she got pretty hammered. She passed out at the table and me and Zach had to carry her out to the truck and then to the hotel.

"Morning princess, did I wake you?" I ask playing it cool after I spit in the sink.

"No...what the fuck is going on? Why are you in here?!"

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