Chapter 23

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"Hey there bud, Weston. I'm your daddy, do you recognize my voice?" I stare down at the tiny little person in my arms. It's still hard to believe he was inside Cassidy all these months. I can't believe he's finally here. It's crazy.

"I'm sure he does." Cassidy tells me. I smile and look over at her sitting in the bed. She looks tired as hell but has never been more beautiful. In fact, witnessing her go through everything she just did has me in complete awe. She's amazing.

"He's so little. I feel like I'm gonna break him." I say with a laugh and walk over to sit with her on the bed.

"I know. I still don't know how he came out of me."

"And to think Kristen had two..."

"Um yeah no way. She's amazing."

"So are you."

"Mm, thanks." She smiles and pulls Weston's blanket down he's swaddled in to see his face better.

"I'm serious Cassidy. I've never been so amazed in my life seeing that."

"You said you delivered a baby on the job before?"

"Yeah but I didn't know the girl! Plus that was super high stress situation, the last thing I was thinking was how beautiful it was. More like holy shit I hope the baby's breathing and she doesn't hemorrhage." I say with a laugh and she chuckles too.

"So you weren't scared watching me? Did you look at all?"

"No. I thought you didn't want me to."

"I know but I thought for sure you would've still. I wouldn't have cared honestly."

"Now ya tell me." I say and we laugh. We stare down at Weston just sleeping away in my arms.

"I do have to go to the bathroom..." Cassidy toys.

"Okay, does that mean you want help?"

"Yeah but I can ask a nurse too."

"I'll help. I want to help."

"Okay. Well I think I'll be fine once I'm in there just help me up maybe." She says so, I put Weston in the bassinet thing on wheels and take her hand. She's moving very slow and steady which is to be expected. I just don't want her to hurt herself so I stay at her speed.

"Take your time. You're not dizzy or anything right?"

"No, I'm good. Just a lot of pressure in my butt or something." She says and starts to walk to the bathroom. She's holding onto me and I can't help but enjoy how she needs me right now. Once I get her to the bathroom I leave her and shut the door so she can have privacy. I go over and stare at Weston lying in the bassinet, all swaddled up sleeping away.

"Trent?" Cassidy calls from the bathroom, I walk over and stand outside the door.


"I can't do this."

"Can't do what?"

"Change this stuff and clean up."

" you want me to call a nurse? Or do you want me to come in and help? I can help." I offer. I don't know if she wants me all up in her business so I don't push it.

"If Weston's fine can you just help me quick."

"Course, coming in." I say and open the bathroom door. She's sitting on the toilet, she looks uncomfortable, as in something hurts. I'm sure it's not the most comfortably position given the fact she just gave birth 2 hours ago.

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