Chapter 13

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   It's the first Saturday of June and I've got a wedding to go to. I'm really looking forward to it actually. The last couple of weeks I feel like have been so stressful.  I could use a night out with people who don't know me or anything going on in my life. I'm 18 weeks pregnant now and my belly is only slightly poking out. The dress I chose to wear won't give it away which is what I was hoping for.

I'm also only 2 weeks away from finding out what I'm having. Kristen found out last week she's having a boy and a girl. I'm excited because now either way mine will have a a boy and a girl best friend. I don't really know what I want or what I think it is. I couldn't see myself with any baby and I still honestly can't. A little version of me is scary to think about but, so is a mini version of Trent. As long as they're healthy I don't care and I'll figure it out.

I give one last look in the mirror at my whole outfit. Toss my hair a couple more times, spray it and head out for the night. Garrett's picking me up any minute and he's honestly lucky I'm even ready on time.

I sit on my little porch for not even a minute before he pulls up to my house. I walk out and he opens the door for me and all.

"Well aren't you just a gentleman." I say and buckle my seatbelt.

"You look great."

"Thanks, so do you!" I say complimenting his dress pants and shirt. He wears sorta the same thing to school so it's not much different. Me on the other hand, I am way more dressed up than normal.

On the short car ride he tells me how he knows the groom and is related kinda to the bride too. It sounds like it's maybe gonna be a smaller wedding.

"Also feel free to drink all you want, I'm not gonna have more than one so you got a DD." He says and I laugh nervously. Maybe I should tell him I'm pregnant. I don't wanna freak him out though. I guess there's no reason he should be though, we're just friends. The only person that knows from work is my boss. I was waiting until the last minute to tell everyone. I just don't wanna answer all the questions or be the gossip of the school yet.

"I'll keep that in mind but I won't be drinking anything."

"Oh really?" He questions so I decide to just tell him.

"Yeah well, I'm kinda...I'm pregnant actually."

"You're...excuse me what?" He laughs nervously and so do I.

"I know crazy. Yeah, it was an accident clearly but I'm almost 20 weeks. Just hadn't gotten around to sharing with anyone from work yet."

"I had no idea. Are you sure you're feeling up for a wedding? Aren't you like tired and sick and stuff?"

"Haha not currently! Some days!"

"Geez, I had no idea. If you need anything just let me know."

"I will. I napped earlier so I should be okay."

"Good. Um congrats by the way." He says and it's sorta awkward but we laugh.

The wedding is nice, a little hot out but it is June. Garrett is really respectful towards me the whole time. Doesn't over touch me or make me feel pressure to act like we're an item. I meet a couple of his friends, they seem nice. The one girl seems to have eyes on him but he doesn't give it any attention. I get the feeling it's maybe an ex girlfriend or something. Maybe that's why he wanted a date? It really doesn't matter to me, I'm just enjoying a night out with someone I don't have romantic feelings for or a baby with. We do slow dance together a couple times which is fun. He's different from the guys I usually go for, his light touch on my back is sorta getting me though. Maybe it's just me being super horny and pregnant. Or maybe weddings turn me on. I mean, a wedding was the reason I got pregnant in the first place. So I'll blame weddings, bad juju.

By the time he takes me home I'm kinda wanting him to come inside but, I don't want to be the one to really initiate. I gotta let guys take the lead because every time I do I fuck something up.

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