Chapter 27

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It's the Thanksgiving day, Cassidy, Weston and I are on our way to my parents to eat. It's a 2 hour drive and so far Weston's slept the entire time. I know my family's excited to see him so I'm glad he's saving up his energy.

"I wish your mom lived closer. She could babysit when I go back to work." Cassidy says after she puts her phone down and leans her head back in the passenger seat of my truck.

"I know. She'd love that." I say knowing finding childcare has been heavily on her mind. There's not many options when it comes to daycares and it's stressing her out. The one she likes is more expensive but the cheaper one is closer to both our work. We don't have any family members or friends who could do it either.

"I wish my dad was around too. They could like switch off."

"Yeah. That would be nice too."

"Maybe I should go tour Carbon. It could be better now and-"

"Cassidy no. He isn't going there." I argue with her because as a cop I've dealt with some issues there. Their security sucks and it's not in a good area. I told her all this already and she's still fighting me on going to see it.

"Then you have to pick between St Joseph and Jack and Jill because I don't know." She says with annoyance.

"Babe. Put the money part aside, the distance and all the dumb shit. Which facility do you feel better about. Given the security, the cleanliness, the staff, which do you lean towards."

"Huh. Jack and Jill." She says knowing she picked the more expensive one.

"Then he's going there. Call them back right now, get his name on the list for January."

"But Trent."

"No. I don't care about the cost. It's our child Cassidy. I'll pay whatever to make sure he's well taken care of."

"I just wish it wasn't like that. Hell I wish I wanted to stay home with him but I don't. I need to work, I can't lose that part of my life. I love teaching."

"I don't want you to stop teaching, you need that babe. You're not staying home. We'll send him to Jack and Jill end of discussion."

"I'll call Monday." She says. I grab her hand, I know it's a hard decision for her.

When we get to my parents of course all eyes are on Weston. Everyone wants to see him and hold him. Cassidy gets him out and hands him to my dad first.

"How are you feeling? You're about back to normal? I know you are still on maternity leave but you're healed well?" My mom asks Cassidy immediately after they hug. Her face lights up in a way I haven't seen in awhile. Almost like she's surprised someone's asking about her. People usually only want to see and talk about the baby so it's good she's getting some attention too. I feel like I tried my best to show I cared and wanted to take care of her too afterwards.

Weston's getting a little fussy so I take him for a little and sit with dad and Derek in the living room and watch the game. I can see Cassidy in the kitchen helping my mom and sister, she looks beautiful. She fits right in with us. Not to mention I can tell they all really like her too. Which is a first. My parents liked my ex Tori but my siblings weren't the biggest fans. I think they were just immature yet and felt like she was taking me away from them. Now that we're older and out on our own it's better.

"Dinners ready!" My mom calls out. We all get up and find our seats.

"He's sleeping, where should I put him?" I ask Cassidy and look down at Weston in my arms. She laughs and before she can answer my mom volunteers.

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