Chapter 5

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   It's been a long ass day, I've been up since 4:30. All us bridesmaids and Kristen got breakfast at 7 and then we had to be at the church to do hair and makeup by 8:30. That took forever. I came to the conclusion that if I ever get married everyone hires their own hair and makeup artist for the day or do it yourself. I mean I'll never complain to Kristen about it but why do I have to be all dolled up? It's not my wedding day, it's hers. All the love and attention should be on her.

"Glad that's finally over." I say after Trent and I sit down. We just finished our entrance to the reception. I'm relieved we don't have to walk down anymore aisles together, take anymore professional pictures, and best of all do that damn entrance dance again.

"Wanna drink? I saw some people at the bar already."

"I do but I will get it myself."

"I wasn't offering to get it for you, I was just informing you so that you could maybe chill out. Get that stick out of your ass."

"Fuck you." I get up. While I wait in line, Zach is behind me with Ashton, our other friend who was a bridesmaid too.

"You guys made it look legit." Ashton tells me and I can't tell if she's serious. We've been at each others throats all day.

"I'm so over him. I seriously don't understand why Kristen couldn't just switch us or something."

"Because you're the maid of honor, and he's the best man."

"So!?" I argue.

"Zach's too tall for you and Trent's too short for me." She explains and she is right.

"Just be glad it's done, don't talk to him the rest of the night then, if he's that much of a bother to you." Zach tells her.

"She fucking owes me after this." I shake my head.

"It's her wedding, her day, not yours." Zach says calling out my selfishness.

"I know I'm such a bitch. Blah blah blah, I don't care, it's how I am." I say and then it's my turn at the bar. Finally, I've been needing this drink all day long.

"I need 3 shots of tequila, neat." I tell the bartender.

"Geez Cass." Ashton says. I ignore it and head back to the table.

"Oh look, the lush is back."

"Hey I only drink myself silly when it's you I'm dealing with." I says taking my first shot.

"I'll take it as a compliment." He smiles.

"Far from that buddy." I take the second.

"Well I'm getting in line now, don't miss me too much." He says and gets up. I mock him and keep drinking.

Jason and Kristen dismiss tables to eat while they have their first dance.

"Beautiful couple if I do say so myself, that is true love right there folks." The dj says and brings the music down then it changes into a new slow song.

"Now let's get that bridal party out here for this one too, come on." The dj says and I choke. "You're kidding me."

"Let's go sunshine." I hear Trent say behind me. My skin crawls, my heart rate picks up, I do not wanna dance with this guy yet!

"God damn it." I take another shot and get up. Trent being a smart ass has his hand out for me to take. I smack it nonchalantly and walk past him to the dance floor, making sure I throw Kristen a fake smile before turning to face Trent. I roll my eyes and he grabs my waist, can't say it didn't send a couple butterflies through my body but I shut that down. Been there done that. I wrap my arms up around his neck quickly when I see a photographer coming. I can't ruin Kristen's pictures with my attitude.

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