Chapter 22

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"So. Trent and I broke up last night."

"What?!" Kristen's shocked over the phone and I start crying. I finally got myself to stop and now here I go again. "What the hell happened?!" She asks.

"Everything was fine, we were completely fine and then the evening rolled around and he's talking to me about you know, being unsure about our future and marriage and-"

"Woah what? Marriage? Is he smoking fucking dope? It's been like 6 months."

"I know! He wasn't saying like now I guess but the future. I don't know. I'm so upset, he seems to be way more into me than I am I guess."

"But you love him?" She asks and I take a deep breath.

"I do. But now I'm second guessing myself. Maybe I don't. If I did wouldn't I want to marry him too?"

"Huh...I don't know Cass. That's hard. You have so much trauma that surrounds marriage. I would say it has to do with that but I'm not you so I don't know what your true feelings are."

"Well I have no fucking clue. I didn't sleep last night. I haven't stopped crying, my appetite sucks. I haven't felt this heartbroken since Joe. I might even feel worse, maybe it's pregnancy but I don't know."

"I think that speaks for itself then? Where does he stand with the baby?"

"Oh he still wants to be involved and stuff. It's literally just him and I taking a break or whatever."

"Well I mean that's good though...he didn't leave you high and dry." She says and before I can respond I catch a glimpse of a car parked in my driveway that I somewhat recognize.

"What the...Kris I gotta go." I say when I see him get out and approach my front door.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah yeah. Uh, package needs to be signed for." I lie and hang up without letting her respond. My stomach is in 100 knots and my heart is pounding, I start to sweat.

"What are you doing here?" I say when I open the door to Jake. Yup, as in Kristen's brother Jake. As in, sex in the back of the car Jake. Fuck.

"When were you gonna tell me about this." He says and points to my huge stomach.

"Okay. Come in." My heart continues racing for some reason. It's not his baby but he thinks it is? How did he even find out I was pregnant? My heads spinning.

"I did the math and-"

"No. If you did the math correctly you'd understand that this isn't your baby."


"Jake it was one time for one and two I got pregnant after we...did it." I can barely look at him because I still feel gross about that night. Not that he's gross, he's a cute guy but it's my best friends brother. I regret it. Why was I so messed up and desperate that I would do something so stupid. I don't even hear his response because I'm too busy staring beyond him out my front window. My heart stops when I see Trent's truck drive by then stop and back up in front of my house. Jesus Christ.

"Hello? What are you looking at?" Jake says and I panic.

"Nothing. You should go. I swear it isn't yours so let's just drop it and never speak of it again alright?" I try and push him out the door as quick as I can. Upon opening it, there stands Trent. I didn't see him get out of his truck so this is quite the heart stopper to say the least.

"Oh Jesus..." I murmur.

"The fuck are you?" Trent asks looking past me at Jake. His stance and tone is nothing short of dominant.

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