Chapter 16

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"In love with me?! Since when!?" She says in shock, I can tell she wasn't expecting me to say that.

"Fuck I don't know!" I say and she crosses her arms with a face showing thoughts swirling her brain. I honestly surprised myself with the ease of confessing it. I'm not one to throw that word around. I've never even been in love before. I only know that now because no one compares to how I feel about Cassidy.

"What about Cheyanne?" She askes and I look down.

"I'm not in love her. Never have been!" I still do have some feelings for her which is hard. But if I had to choose...I'd pick Cassidy in a heartbeat and never look back. The feelings for Cheyanne are lust.

"What? Trent are you for real?" She looks at me. Our eyes do that damn thing, like they're just stuck. Stuck gazing at one another's. I'll never forget the look she's giving me until the day I die. Must be my vulnerability, I know it's not something any guy wants to show. My body softens and I sigh as I prepare to open up more.

"I've never loved anyone, I've never had this feeling. It's driving me up a god damn wall. I thought if I just didn't think about it it would go away and everything would be fine. But I can't fucking ignore it! And what the hell am I supposed to do!? You don't want to be with me but you're the only person I want to be with."

"Trent if you don't think I have feelings for you too you're an idiot! This entire day felt so real it's depressing that it isn't." Her eyes glisten, she's fighting back tears.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" I wonder how long she's felt this way. Has it been weeks? She certainly hasn't shown it.

"Well the drive home wasn't exactly ideal for such conversation and I was protecting myself from the rejection! I didn't want to ruin the friendship and partnership we already had. I thought you were like in love with Cheyanne!"

"No. Definitely not. Going through all this pregnancy stuff with you changed everything I think. I want to be with you. I miss you when you're not around. More than I miss her and that's not right. I hate knowing your alone all the time, I worry about you." I confess and tears fill her eyes rapidly. She's speechless and probably overwhelmed, she doesn't even move. I walk towards her. Not saying anything else I just hug her. It feels so good, comforting. She moves her head in a way that I can now see her face. She's sobbing. For the first time I don't get freaked out by tears. If anything I feel a little emotional too.

"I wanna touch you again, kiss you, hold you, be there for you. Just you. If you'd just let me. Let me love you Cassidy." I say still embracing her, our lips are only inches apart. I see her looking at them just like I am hers. The urge to kiss is so strong but before I can she looks away from the temptation.

"You need to figure things out with Cheyanne first. If we're gonna do this...I wanna do it right." She says pushing away and wiping her eyes.

"You're right, I know. I have to break up with her."

"Yeah. If that's what you really want."

"It is. I swear." I tell her and I see her smile. I'm relieved she's not running away right now. This conversation could've went south fast and it didn't.

"Can you fix my tire so I can get out of here and you can go deal with her then?" She says sorta laughing, wiping her eyes. I know it was a long day especially for her. I can tell she's tired.

"Yeah, yeah. I wasn't planning on doing it tonight though...?" I say and she cocks her head at me. "What?" I question.

"Yes you are. Just be done with her." She insists and I want to make her happy so I consider it while I get her tire fixed. I'm a little nervous to breakup with her. I did really like her. We've been on and off more than anyone else I've been with. But I guess it's time to rip the bandaid off and realize we don't have a future together. We gave it a couple tries but it just isn't there.

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