Kings landing

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We had made it through the passage ways rather slowly, not knowing where to go

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We had made it through the passage ways rather slowly, not knowing where to go.
2 hours had passed. Two hours I couldn't make up.

We reach the bottom of the city streets. "There. The dragon pit. Go." I point my guards to the pit urging them to hurry.

I grab the child's hand. "We are only a few years apart. Your my sister. We are poor children finding our way home." I nod to the streets before us. "Let us go." I drag her along the slightly empty streets.

Only a dozen people in sight. I stop before one. "Where is everyone?" I ask. She only smiles widely.

"The new king's coronation. King Aegon." She claps out hands gleefully pointing towards the dragon pit. "A strong wise king." Before i can reply she is gone. Heading out to the coronation.

My eyes widen, they were really doing it. Usurping my mothers throne. Those green snakes taking what belongs to me. "We need to get there quickly, we need to get to gaelithox. Keep up, maera." I let her hand go and run quickly through the streets.

Every minute we bare closer to the pit. As we reach the edge of the crowd, An open path wide enough, for a dragon to land, hopefully wide enough for a large dragon. "Hold my hand." I take the girls hand and barge through the crowd.

Making it closer to the opening. A loud roar is heard overhead followed by an even louder one. Two large dragons fly overhead. One landing in the large opening, crushing multiple citizens in his wake. I rush faster. Towards Gaelithox.

"Calm my boy." I yell in valerian. As we make it to the guards holding back the crowd. Gaelithox plucks three of them out in one swift bite. Leaving an opening. No one but me and Maera dare move, obviously terrified of the large creature before

Gaelithox lowers his side for me. Allowing my to have access to the horns on his shoulders perfect for steps. My crates have been somehow stacked up onto my dragon. They must've made it, however they did.

climbing up the shoulder of my dragon. I reach my hand down as Maera follows me. Hallway up his shoulder she teaches for my hand. I pull her up to sit in front of me.

"Hold on." Is the only thing I say before taking flight. The sound of leather wings fill the air as we fly higher.

A low sound of Ruble collapsing turns my attention back to the dragon pit. Grey dust flys out the large doors. People make there escape out of them before they close. A high pitch dragon scream fills my ears. Meleys.

I turn Gaelithox lower, heady to the dragon pit. But before we make it. A red beast bolts out the doors of the pit, blasting them open. Rhaenys and meleys fly high toward us. She stops midair, close enough to hear he yell.

"Go north. Get the north on our side child." She yells. Before I respond her and meleys fly of faster than any dragon I've seen Before.

Go north.

So I do, me Gaelithox , Maera and the cannibal fly north. Towards ice and snow.


A short flight north had taken us in the skies of winter fell. The northerners scurry through the walls. A large group of noble men and women line up within the protection of the walls. Northern soldiers line the walls.

The stance looks peaceful, but if need be could turn a corner towards blood.
We have circling the skies for a half hour, letting the north prepare for our visit.

As we neared lower towards the frost bitten grass, the cannibal lands first. Shaking the foundation of winterfell. Next, me Maera and gaelithox land with an even bigger shudder.

Slowly, i climb down the shoulder of my dragon before turning to Maera. Assisting her on the climb.

"Stay close. Our only protection lays to ourselves, the dragons would burn this place down with us in it. We can't trust that." I look over my shoulder at the girl. "Sister." I smile slightly after seeing a slight tug at her lips.

"Sister." She nods in agreement. trying to keep up with my strides she runs a little.

"Lady's should never run. Only in battle. Well if you want that fate......" I look back at her with narrowed eyes. She frowns before nodding understandably.

I take a Second to take in the north. Green grass, every few meters lays a meter of snow. Winterfells walls are brick, an old dusty grey stone. A gate is shut 20 meters in front of us. I quickly take up the space, nearing the closed gate.

Through the squares i see lords and lady's in dresses and tunics, fur lined coats. Northerners. One man in particular catches my eye. A young man, dark eyes. Slight stubble covers his jaw. His hair sits on his head with slight curls. Cregan stark. Well at least that's my guess.

"Open the gate, or I'll roast you within these walls with flames." I look back, motioning towards my two large dragons sitting, staring intently at the northerners within they're walls. Ready to attack.

"Open them." The young man yells. In a long 10 seconds the gates lift open. Revealing a clearer view of who lays in front of me. I walk in clutching the hilt of my sword. I look around at the men holding shields and sword in hands. A low chuckle slips from my mouth.

"King Viserys is dead, Aegon Targaryen has been crowned king, 2 hours ago. As you all know, queen Rhaenerya was heir. Starks have been allies of the Targaryen's ever since the conquest." I begin my speech. Projecting my voice loud. Low murmurs are heard but i continue.

"I ask you to swear to the rightful queen. Whatever she may choose, you fight for it. War, peace. Uphold you oath to my mother, to the rightful queen of the 7 kingdoms, to Rhaenerya Targaryen. Fight for her. Fight for me. Your loyalty will be rewarded when the war is won. It will be one. Fight for the blacks and die a hero Or die a traitor fighting for the greens." Silence befalls winterfell.

"What is the reward. We don't want no gold." An old voice comes from the back of a crowd. I smile slightly.

"Marriage, to whomever you please. A princess, a lady. Or even a commoner. Free to marry who you love. Not marry if you choose." My eyes catch onto cregan stark. Who looks through me like a ghost.

He steps closer and closer until at arms length. "And if I refuse?" He glares at me as i glare at him.

"I leave." I smile. Looking over the crowd. At the walls. At the thin women and children who stand away from the rest. "I leave here, burning what crops you do have. Setting alight to any ships you may have. I cut of your roots to survival.... If you refuse my lord." I release the hilt of my sword.

Cregan smirks. Looking behind me at the young girl. Then at the dragons. "Hmm. Your dragons will be fed from our livestock. You and the girl can stay here. Then you will leave and tell your mother, that a stark does not forget his oath. The north will fight for you. On one condition." His eyes linger on the dragon then jolt to my eyes.

His eyes soften slightly. "What is that condition my lord?" I stare back at him. My gaze drops to his lips them to the wolf crest the connects his coat. I flick my gaze back up to his eyes.

"Marriage. To you. After the war you and me will be married." He looks away before stepping backwards and turning off.

I scoff. I was promised to Aemond. My plan wouldn't t work if I married cregan. But I needed the north. "Very well. I need to fly to fly to dorne. For my men and clothes. I will return by tomorrow. I won't burn anything. You have my word." I speak loud enough for him to hear.

I look to the young silver haired girl. "This is Maera Targaryen. She's my sister. Look after her." And with that i leave towards my dragons.

Flying towards dorne.

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