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In the span of two days, I have learnt many things

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In the span of two days, I have learnt many things.
Dragons don't like the north. Cregan stark is always busy. And Northman fight like babies. Well most...

Even through the cold, my wardrobe has stayed the same. I have gotten used to the cool air on my cheeks. Although, when riding my dragons the breeze is rather unbearable, i find it soothing.

I learned to braid my hair over my ears to guard the, from frostbite. I had also learnt to wear gloves to shield my knuckles and trousers under my dresses to shield my legs from the cold.

Even while the grass isn't covered with snow, it's still the north.


The court yard is rather similar to the one in the red keep. Racks of swords, shields and spears. The only difference is the stark banners hanging from the walls.

I walk into the yard, Analysing the men training. Big, broad men. But slow. As I walk closer they stop all turning to me. They bow their heads. Keeping the low.

"Rise. Here I am simply a lady. No princess. I have come here to train. Who dares to fight a lady?" I smile at them as they raise their heads in unison. A worried look befalls their face. Which quickly disappears as a voice comes from behind.

There worried expressions is replaced with a grim smirk.
"I do." Cregan makes his way to my side. "Choose your weapon. No dragons." I glance at him, he has a harsh smirk on his face.

I scoff unsheathing my sword. "A Sword will work just fine on you my lord." He steps backwards as he unsheathe his sword.

I dig my sword into the ground and lean on it, waiting mockingly for his strike. I unsheathe my dagger as he charges. Deflecting the sword swiftly with my dagger. I take the opening. Striking at his ribs which he dodges.

I strike at his sword again. He protects his face with his own sword, making an X with the two. He flips his sword causing mine to fly from my hand.

My eyes widen, making a smart and quick move i roll backwards towards the sword rack, reaching for a short sword. I place my dagger in front of my eyes and place the short sword onto it. Stepping forward i open my arms and attack from both sides closing my arms to an X.

He stumbles backwards gripping his arm, a trickle of blood runs through the dark fabric only darkening it more and more. He brushes it off and attacks again. With the dull edge of his blade. Weakening my side. He kicks my stomach, causing me to stumble backward.

He takes this opportunity to disarm me. Both my dagger and sword fall to the ground. He lunges forward tackling my to the ground. I use my strength to roll us over, unsheathing the second dagger on my hip and placing it to his throat.

"Well played, my lord. But not well played enough." I stand up. Sheathing my dagger and collecting my other weapons placing them back into my dragon crested belt.

I look up to see Maela smiling at me. "Come. Show me what you got." I smile back nodding towards the mannequin made out of hay in the corner of the yard.

After a minute or two, she makes her way over to me. "I was taught to defend myself, princess. In me home. In flea bottom." She looks to her feet.

"A proper princess, which is what you are, does not talk like a commoner. My home. Not me home. And if you are to be a warrior like Visenya. Start where I know you are safe." I nod to the sword rack then to the hay man. "Go"


Its supper time, So we all gather in the hall for food And ale.

I didn't intend on going to the gathering. I had planned to ride my dragons. Trying to train them for the upcoming war and battles. Train myself and maela. But after receiving an invite from cregan himself.

It would be pure rudeness to not attend. So here I am, wearing a black floor length dress. Impractical. Horrid even. With sleeves which show my arms. And the scars I have spent years hiding.

The dress was put on my bed. Again, it would be rude not to wear it.

The hall is big, but not huge. But still easy enough to get lost in. I make my way through the doors. Everyone stands up, acknowledging my presence.

"All hail queen Vaelora." The chant sends shivers down my spine. And ache through my neck and a sharp pain in my knees.

"Silence!" I glance up towards where Cregan sits "I cregan or house stark, pledge allegiance to my queen. Vaelora Targaryen. The goddess of dragons and queen of the skies." He looks deep into my eyes. And something within me clicks.

"No- my mother Rhaenerya is..." my voice cracks as a tear slips down my cheek.

"Is unfit to rule. Her bastard son jacearys as heir is a disgrace. She named him as heir my queen not you. Lucearys and Her stillborn daughters death has left her weak and tired. Everyone looks to you your grace." A man speaks from within the tables.

No no no.. Luke..... little Visenya. It's happening all to quickly. Who gets named queen of the seven kingdoms in a minute. What about supper. Food. Drinks.

My eyes flutter closed. I breath in what air I can. Steadying my thoughts.

They're right. I'm the only hope. With the north, dorne and my dragons I could take the red keep. But it couldn't be that simple?..

What If their leading me into a trap. What if they betray me and kill me. They wouldn't. Their the north. They keep oaths. They swore to the rightful heir. Which bends to me now.

To Vaelora Targaryen. Commander of the dornish fleet and armies. Rider of the cannibal and gaelithox. The daughter of fire. The queen of the skies and goddess of dragons.

In some twisted way. I was the queen but only if Rhaenerya was dead.... I had to be queen. For the people.... For me.

Mmmm anyway sooo
Sorry this took so long. Xx
Twist but it'll make sense in the end.
Hold on tight this is gonna be a roller coaster.

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