The queens guard

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I had killed cregan almost a week ago, to my hopes, his army had followed me to this day

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I had killed cregan almost a week ago, to my hopes, his army had followed me to this day. Other than a few loyal men to him, who Aemond had executed by my command.

Vhagar, gaelithox and cannibal had been feeding them selves like usual, they flew when we marched, and rest when we rest.

But the closer we got to the sea, the more restless my men got. They wanted women,  as I tried to keep peace through villages we passed. It seems Northman are crude beasts who treated women as pleasure toys.

Some even tried to take me. But failed miserably. I executed any who had managed to hurt or rape women.

In two days of nonstop marching from the last town, we had reached the sea. And there was the unsullied. Camped on the banks. Some maintaining the ships.

At the centre of the camp, was a larger tent than the rest. I turn to my men, pointing at 8 men, making four go infront of me and four behind me. Protecting me.

Aemond stayed back to command my remaining forces.

We walked through the rows of tents, past men who bowed their heads at me. Until we finally reached the tent.

"This way my queen." The man opened up the tent allowing me but only me through.

I walk into the tent, my eyes widen at the sight in-front of me.

A long table, with at least 10 women seated at it.

"First the unsullied speak common tongue, now their led by.... Women." I smile.

They smile back, chuckling.

"10,000 unsullied men,  3 thousand women warriors." The woman at the centre stands up and walks around the table. Stopping in front of me. To my surprise she kneels. "I swear to you, my queen, I swear my sword, my hands, my mind, and my voice to your cause."

The women along the table all stand up. "Long live the queen."

"Long live the queen." The women start chanting as well as voices outside the tent.

I step slowly out of the tent.

Thousands of men bow along the rows of the tents. That's when I spot them. Thousands of woman chanting with raised swords.
Women..... times went from women disregarded for to women fighting men's battles.

How times have changed.



I let my armies settle in. Rest, prepare for the upcoming days of travel.

The few who have had days of rest manned the ships, guarding and preparing for voyage.

And the lords of the north and women leaders all sat and stood around a map nailed to the table within a tent. Where I stood.

Candles surrounded the map lighting various areas, leaving some darkened.

I run my hand up the sea, tapping kings-landing. "I don't care about everywhere else, this is our priority. We will send the unsullied on ships, to attack from within the tunnels. The north man will surround the city. Awaiting the maidens, who will enter the city, the night before, from the same passage the unsullied will. Then they will open the gates and allow the Northman to seize the city while the unsullied seize the castle."

I look around, waiting.

"The greens aren't as stupid as we think, they will be prepared my queen, they will have men on the walls, patrolling the city, they will notice the maidens." A northern lord speaks up from my right.

I smile "that's why this plan is so great, there is no army recorded of women, only 20 will enter, spreading around the city, what is suspicious about a woman?"

"And then What about the greens fleet, they guard the Blackwater—" another Northman responds.

"Aemond and me will burn them upon our dragons, along with the walls. Then we will worry about any dragons attacking."

"We leave Tomorrow, After we defeat the greens, then we will worry about dragonstone and whom ever stands against me." I bow my head, thanking the lords for they're loyalty and forces.

"The maidens can't do a mans job, allow—." Before he can finish, the maidens leader had slit his throat.

"Hmm. My lords, these. 10 women are my queens guard. And anyone who stands against them, stands against me and my dragons." I step forward. "You never told me your name, if you are to be head of the queens guard, you need a name."

"Ailya, my name is ailya." Her head bows, a small smirk across her face.

Ailya is a tall brown girl, who wore red and black a dress similar to mine, with a long sword and a small knife at her Side. Her boots meet her knees with Criss crossed thin rope holding them together.

I smile, turning around and walking out of the tent.

I walk through the rows of tents, toward the open area that held my dragons.
Aemond had gone for a flight, looking for any threats too close.

It was dark, a bright night, only by the moon. A full white moon.
It shone so close, you'd think it was falling.

I stalk to cannibal who lay resting next to gaelithox. His green eyes flicked open, soon closing after realising who I was.
His horns curved over his head and neck, long talons and horns on his limbs. He wasn't a thick dragon, he was slightly slim.

Which made him faster than most, but still stronger. The small folk of dragonstone feared him. Believing him to prey on unlatched and small dragons. Even if he did, he seemed different to me.

Almost gentler, more clingy.
Male dragons weren't known for their clinginess, so this trait surprised me.

But, something about cannibal was different to gaelithox. His head, it was more female, more she-dragon.

Cannibal wasn't a he at all- he was a she......

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter xx

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