Chapter 7

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Liz's p.o.v

Unknown number: Just watch yourself babe 😘

Chills start running through my body as I leave him on read.

Stevens p.o.v

I see liz shiver. "Babe are you cold?"😂 I ask laughing. She stays silent and looks like she is thinking. "Mhmm......yeah.....that's it, i'm cold" she says very weirdly. "Liz, are you okay?" I ask her. "yeah like I said, i'm just cold" she says again.

"I'm just cold, my ass. Really what's wrong" I tell her. "Nah fr steven i'm just cold" she says as she hugs herself. "Mmmm okay" I say, totally not buying it.

I hear liz's phone ring a couple min. Later.
Her face goes totally pale but she puts her phone into her back pocket as she ignores it and silences it.

"Babe, really, why are you acting so weird. Is there something you're hiding from me?" I sat to her, worried.

"Steven for the millionth time, nothing is wrong. Stop being so fucking annoying" she says. Damn, feeling just a bittt👌🏼 crushed.

"The only reason I'm being annoying is because I'm worried. You aren't acting like yourself." I tell her in a calm voice. "Steven, why don't you just go home, I've had enough of you right now" She says.

Okay this really isn't her and there is definitely something wrong. I get up and walk out the room.

Liz's p.o.v

"Steven, why don't you just go home, I've had enough of you right now" I tell Steven. He looks at me in the eyes and looks at his hands for like 3 sec. And I hear him say "ight" under his breath as he walks out the door.

Omg wtf did I just do?! Did I really just say that?! Wtf is wrong with me?! I cry into my hands. Ugh today has been the worst I think to myself.

It soon becomes night time and I'm hungry a'f mann! I go to the hospital cafeteria thingy. I get some food and go to my moms room.

My mom woke up like 30 min later. She smiles at me and then she starts looking at her surroundings with a confused look. "Why am I in a bed hospital?" She asks.

"You fainted remember?" "Ohh right" she says. "How you feeling madree" I tell her in a playful voice. "Good, good. Just a bit light headed". I just reply with a "true".

The doctor comes in a while later to check on her and gave her the news. She was expressionless and answered with a simple "oh"

After that the doctor left and I told my mom I was tired and I was going to sleep. "Okay, gn princessa" she says. "Thanks mom gn, I love you" I say as I try to get comfy on a couch in her room.

I check my phone one last time before I go to sleep. I see a message from steven and I get butterflies.

Steven 🙈💘: I know you're probably mad at me right now, and i'm sorry I was being annoying. I guess I was just being over protective....truth is🙇🏽......i'm on my man period 😣 and I just got moody yuh know what I mean? I'm sorry babe😢😪 I just wanted to say goodnight baby,.......I love you.💗

I smile and start laughing after reading about his "man period". My mom had quickly fallen asleep again. I guess it's a pregnant thing. I keep reading the message and my heart stops when I read the "I love you" part. I reply and he answers and we have a short conversation.

Me: Night made😂👌🏼 I'm sorry too 🙇🏽 I didn't mean to say what I did today. It's just the whole situation with my mom, like....idk, I shouldn't have taken my frustration out on you.

Steven 🙈💘: It's fine babe😌❤️ but hold "I love you" back?😭😩I see how you are😔💔

Me: I love you too feo (ugly in spanish) 😂💘

Steven: I know you love me😏 I jist wanted you too say it 😊 alright baby, I'm tired. Goodnight ❤️

Me: Goodnight ❤️

I lock my phone and fall asleep happy.

Two updates today!
Ayeee👏🏼😂 so thanks to everyone who has been reading my fanfic 😊 I love youuu😻💗 and thanks for voting also 😌❤️ muchoo loveee💘😊
~Jossy 💗💦

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