Chapter 11

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Stevens p.o.v

I get up and feel like crap. Was I dreaming? Am I really moving? I feel sick to my stomach and go to the bathroom. As soon as I enter I rush to the toilet and start throwing up. "What an amazing way to start my morning". I say to myself sarcastically.

My mom rushes into the bathroom. "MIJO! ARE YOU OKAY?". "Yeah mom I just felt like crouching over the toilet was a fun way to start my morning" I say....sarcastically obviously until I feel it coming up again. When I'm done, my mom tells me to go lay down.

I get back into bed and my mom checks my temperature. "Uyeee, You have a fever mijo 103" she says as she says the numbers in spanish.

I am still annoyed with my mom. Both of my parents actually but I apologize to my mom for being rude last night and give her a big hug and kiss.

I lay down again and fall back asleep since I wasn't feeling any better.

Lizs p.o.v

I get back home and it was already 1:30pm. Hmm Steven hasn't texted or called me. I think to myself. So I decided to text steven.
Steven 🙈💘: Aye wassup feo😘💞
10 minutes go by and I get no response.
I started to get worried since steven always replied quickly.

I wait 10 more minutes but still no answer from him. I put on a pair of moccasins and head out the door. I get to his house and I knock on his door. Jacky answers it and says hi with a smile. "Hey, is steven here?" I ask her.

"Yeah, he's asleep since he's actually sick but you can go wake is annoying booty up if you want?" She says as she laughs. "Nah I'm good." I say with a laugh. "Okay" she says back laughing also.

"Well imma go, bye" I say to jacky, and I leave. I hope Stevens alright.

Unknown p.o.v

I saw liz today and damn she's so pretty. Prettier than what I remembered.


Lizs p.o.v

I'm texting my friends from Florida and I get a message from steven.
Steven 🙈💘: Hey babe, sorry I'm replying so late. I've actually been sick😓😷
Me: Awee😘 Yeah I went to go see you today at your house and jacky told me you were sick.
Steven 🙈💘: Damn. Can you come over and cuddle with your bae😢🙏🏼
Me: Alright, but just so you know i'm bumming today.
Steven 🙈💘: Fine with me. As long as I get to see the loml. 😻😘
Me: Awee😊❤️ alright well i'll be there in a little
Steven 🙈💘: Okay

I walk to Stevens house and I see weasel outside. I pretend to not see him but I hear him call my name as I keep walking. I turn around and act shocked that he was there. "Oh hey weasel" I say trying to be nice. "Hey" he says running up to me.

"Where you going" he asks. "Umm to my friends house" I say. "Oh cool, who's your friend." He asks. He was actually starting to annoy me but I still try to be nice. "Umm my friend steven" I say trying to let him know i'm in a hurry.

"Oh...Steven?" He asks. "Yeah" I say. "Okay well i'll let you go. Bye" he says. "Bye" I say back. I finally get to stevens house without anymore interruptions.

I knock on the door and this time mrs.fernandez answers the door. "Holaa mijaa" she says to me as she stretches her arms out for a hug. I hug back and then ask for Steven. "Oh, yah he's in his room. Come in" she says as she lets me in. "Thank you" I say.

"You can just go upstairs to his room" she says. I nod with a smile and I go to Stevens room. I knock on the door and open it. I walk in and hear Steven throwing up in the bathroom. I hurry into the bathroom and see him crouching over the toilet.

I go in and rub his back. He finishes and he looks at me. "Omg, babe you're so pale" I say as I pull him for a hug. I help him to his bed since he was really weak.

"Mijooo!! I'm going to the store to get you some medicine okay?" Mrs.fernandez yells and we hear the door open and close. "Where's your dad?" I ask Steven. "At work" he replies.

"Babe have you eaten anything?" I ask since he didn't sound like he had much energy. He shakes his head no. "Okay, wait here." I say. I run downstairs and go into his kitchen.

I get a noodle cup and rip the package as I put it in a pot with water. My mom used to always make me this when I was sick. I grab tomatoes and eggs out of the refrigerator and added it into the soup. When it was done I put some into a bowl and grabbed a spoon.

I take a couple napkins and carry the soup carefully to stevens room. He had fallen asleep again. I see his phone on a table and it repeatedly kept turning on notifying that he had received a message.

I walk over to the table and peek at his phone. I automatically see the name "Carolina 💓"

There were 2 missed calls, 1 missed FaceTime call, and 4 messages.

They said
Carolina 💓: Hey babe😉😘
Carolina 💓: Babee answerr😩
Carolina 💓: Why don't you answer!😤
Carolina 💓: STEVEN!😩😡

I immediately ran out his room crying. Why? Why would he cheat? I thought he was different, but I guess I was wrong.

Unknown p.o.v

*On the phone*

Carolina: "Alright. I sent Steven the messages and all"
Unknown: "Good. Now hopefully liz sees them and I can have her all to myself."

*ends call*

Stevens p.o.v

I wake up and see soup besides me. It smells amazing. "Liz" I yell as loud as I can since I still feel weak. I hear nothing in return. I go downstairs and don't see her anywhere. I go back to my room and get my phone.

My eyes grow big as I see carolinas name on my phone. Why would she be texting me and calling? She an ex and she didn't even care about me in the first place.

Oh no....what if liz saw all this. I think to myself. I call liz and try to figure out if she saw them. I pretend that everything is fine and she picks up. The tone of her voice told me she was or had been crying.

Lizs p.o.v

I can't believe steven would cheat. I thought we had something real. I thought he really cared. But I guess it was all a lie. All those thoughts run through my head. I go to a cabinet and find a sharpener. I take out the blade and press it against my skin.


I get my phone and see it's Steven. I answer it.

*phone call*

Steven: Hey... Why'd you leave.
Me: Leave me alone, I thought you really cared for me but no, it was all a lie. Why don't you go to your other little girlfriend
Steven: What? My only girlfriend is you
Me: Don't act innocent, I saw a girl texted you calling you babe and you even had a heart emoji besides her name.
Steven: No, babe...That's my ex. I forgot to delete her number and I promise you there's nothing between her and I. I have no Idea why she was texting me and calling me babe. I promise.

I hang up and just throw myself on the bed crying. I start feeling sleepy since I always get sleepy when I cry too much. I close my eyes and just fall asleep.

Stevens p.o.v

I called liz and apparently she had seen the messages. She hung up on me. Ughh. I text carolina.

Steven: Why t'f are you texting me. We're done. Leave me alone I already have a girlfriend and it's not you.

Carolina just leaves me on read. I change her name from "Carolina 💓" to "Carolina."

I decide to head over to liz's house to try and fix the misunderstanding. Since I still feel like shit, I go in my joggers and t-shirt. I just put on some shoes, grab my phone and head out the door.
Hey guys💕 I tried to make this longer. I'll try to update as soon as I can cuz I have orientation tomorrow. Officially a freshman 😅😢 i'm scared tbh cuz I'm 5'0 and many people were already taller than me in middle school sooo it's kind of nerve wrecking 😅 but anyways i'll try to update whenever I can👏🏼 thanks for reading,and voting😊 Love you all ~Jossy 👾💋

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