Day 1- Arrival

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  Deep in the void of space sits the Exoplanet Copper-9. The company JC Jenson used this planet for the resources on it. But because of the greed of humanity, they had inadvertently caused the core of the planet to explode. This explosion had wiped out all biological life from the planet and had left only the Worker Drones to pick up where they had left off.

Meanwhile, in Space

A pod is speeding through space at light speed towards the Exoplanet Copper-9. As it enters, the planet's atmosphere it zooms fast enough it isn't seen and crashes down into the planet's surface on the outside of a ruined city populated by Workers.

The pod's door opens, and a figure emerges from it and spreads their wings and soars into the air. The moonlight reflects off of his sleek form, visor, and wings, as it reveals the whole form to be the first Disassembly Drone to be sent there ever.

Serial Designation X or also known as only X.

As X hovers in the air and takes in his environment and gathers data immediately. He quickly notices the city nearby and decides that will be his first target to examine and gather intel and speeds off towards it.

X soon arrives at the city and immediately begins surveying the area, quickly mapping out the area and noting the population.

X (thinking): Population seems very large, but it's to be expected. Many Workers seem to even come out at night and enjoy themselves or work.

As he analyzed the crowds of Workers, he decided to get his first bit of Worker Drone oil to last through the month. X dives into a dark alley and hides in the darkness, activating cloaking for added precaution and waits.

Not long after, he hears the sounds of a Worker talking on what seemed to be a cellphone.

Worker: Okay, honey, I'll be home within the hour. Love you and see you soon. *hangs up*

X stealthily sneaks behind the Worker, deploying his claws and quickly decapitates the Worker and drinks his fill of oil. He them hides the body and deploys his wings and soars into the sky and starts flying in a random direction.

X (thinking): I think I will start surveying more cities around this planet and find more cities and small settlements. Maybe even take out the more isolated ones to save trouble later.

X then speeds off into the distance and searches for a small settlement and quickly finds one with his enhanced optics. He flies to it and quickly determines the amount of Workers there and evaluates the best way to exterminate the Workers.

X (thinking): My calculations say the best way to do this is to start on the Northern side and work my way to the East, South, and then West. Okay, time to do this thing.

His visor changes to murder mode, then quickly deploys one of the many weapons in his arsenal, his missile launchers. He then flies down and begins his onslaught, firing missiles down onto the unsuspecting Workers. Explosions leveling the entire north side.

Quickly flying the decided path and firing well placed missiles down on each section of the settlement, he finishes the destruction within a single minute.

After firing the last few missiles, he surveys the area for anymore signs of movement or Workers. He finds a few stragglers running away from the destroyed land.

Deploying his claws, he flies down and approaches the group of runaways and cuts them down where they stood.

After the slaughter, he then blasts off into the night sky and blitzes pack to his pod. When he arrives, he sits in the seat inside and goes through the data he had collected.

X: Workers exterminated today, 377. Information collected, locations of settlements and cities. Overall population of Workers of the planet, undetermined.

He then sighed and stored the data in his memory bank.

X: Guess that's not bad for my first day here. But at this rate, this will take over 5 years. Good thing reinforcements are on the way. It will be so much easier than doing it alone. Hopefully, I'll be a good leader for them.

X: *yawns* Guess I should go into sleep mode for a while, but for how long? If I go into sleep mode with low power, I could last for 2 months. Guess I'll do that and survey the rest of this planet then.

X then slowly enters sleep mode. Feeling confident in his performance today, and happy with the progress. Before he completely goes into sleep mode, he sets his system to scan the weather patterns and landscape with any potential points of interest. Then it finally went dark.

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