Flashback 1: Memories?

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Lightning booms in the distance over an old junkyard, piles of Worker Drones all around.

An amalgamation of all discarded robots, each face showing an error message.

Near the center of a massive pile laid  a drone different from the rest. He was still online.

He was still alive, waiting for his power to finally reach 0%. He had been there for awhile now. Not even sure how long.

He was trapped and alone with the corpses, not able to move an inch.

This was X, a 2nd generation Worker drone who was wrongfully sent to this hell. His memory has been wiped of who he used to work for, only remembering his name.

His screen currently displayed the message, "Power at 9%, charge recommended immediately. Emergency Power systems online."

X hated that feature he had been built with.  It's what's been keeping him alive and suffering. He would've lasted a lot less time without it and been free from this already.

X(thinking): Only 9% left, then I'll be- What's that sound?

In the midst of his thoughts he heard the sound of metal falling and muffled speaking. Someone was out there, and his ticket out.

X: Help! Please help!

Moments later he felt someone grab his leg and drag him out. When he was free he saw it was a girl who had saved him. He smiled and was happy to be free, but in the process passed out due to his low power.

Hours Later

He woke up awhile later on a table in what seemed to be a workshop, with what seemed to be drone parts littering the floors and walls. He sat up and looked around to see that girl from earlier at working on another drone. X decided to make himself known.


The girl turns around startled.

Girl: Oh, your awake! That was faster than expected, thought you would take longer to charge. Guess that's what to expect from a generation 2 drone. No idea why you would've been scrapped though, only a few of you were made. Well anyways, I'm Tessa Elliot, but just call me Tessa.

X nodded and smiled sheepishly.

X: Oh okay, Tessa. I'm X, and I also have no idea how I'd ended up in the scrapheap. But, thank you for saving me.

Tessa: It's no problem, after I'm done with this drone here I can introduce you to the others. You'll love them.

X: Others? You have other drones?

Tessa: Yea, I like to fix them up and have them help out around the mansion. My parents hate drones, but I don't care. Also there's an outfit right over there for you.

X turns his head to the corner and sees what sems to be an all black suit. He quickly slips it on while Tessa works on the drone. When she finishes it you see the drone and see it's a female Worker drone. Already dressed in a maids outfit. It looks at Tessa, seemingly confused.

Tessa: Hey there, I think I'll call you Cyn.

Cyn: Name accepted.

Her voice seemed very electronic, but X chalked it up to her being older than he was.

Tessa: Alright, let's introduce you two, the others will be so happy

X and Cyn were then led up to an area that looked like a bar and saw 3 more worker drones. Two females and a male. The male had his hair brushed to the side and was wearing a suit similar to his, one female had short bobbed hair and glasses, and the other had twin pigtails. Both females were wearing maids dresses as well, and X remembers being told their names by Tessa. 

That being N, V. and J respectively. J then noticed Tessa, X, and Cyn.

J: Oh hiiiiii, Tessa. Oh no, 2 more of them?

X then looked around and saw his surroundings seeming like they were glitching then everything went black.

In reality

X wakes up from sleep mode in his pod, startled. He had no idea what that was, a glitch? Memory? He didn't remember any of the people from it, come to think of it he can't remember his life before being given his mission.

After thinking on it for awhile he decided not to think on it and get to work.

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