Year 1 : New Arrivals

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It's been 1 full Earth year since X arrived on Copper-9, and soon his  time alone would be over. Today is the day that his squad would arrive and he will begin his journey as a leader.

He hadn't received word of who the ones on his squad would be, only that they were competent Disassembly Drones.

He currently stand on top of the ruins of a building, looking down on the center of the city where his squad would make landfall.

As he overlooked the city he reminisced on his time here, from his first day until now. He even remembered his close call when getting found out.

That was almost a catastrophe. Thankfully, the Workers have seemed to forget that ever happened. He had been monitoring the radio signals around the planet as he'd been traveling around, and had heard nothing concerning him.

X stuck to mostly stealth operations at night and surveying places he hadn't been too, but that didn't last long as he had started going back to places he had already been.

He has gotten everything he needed to know of the planet, now all that was left was for his squad to arrive.

As if on queue he received a notification on his visor saying, "Arrival of Squad imminent in 3..2..1.."

Immediately as the countdown had finished there was a flash of light and a ground shaking explosion in the cities center.

X immediately paid the utmost attention to the arrival of the newcomers. He saw the door to the pod burst open and 3 Disassembly Drones blitz out, 1 of the 3 grabbing a Worker and tearing their head off and throw it down.

After this the Drones immediately began firing missiles down onto the Worker Drones down below. Each missile killing many drones at once with efficiency, which he was glad to see.

They are competent, at least enough to kill this group of Workers. He decide to stay out of the slaughter to watch and judge the Disassembly Drones work when they were finished with the city.

As he watched them rip and tear through Workers he started to notice that they were using the corpses to build what looked like a base around their pod.

X(thinking): Ok? Weird, but I'm not one to judge. Wonder what their line of thinking was on this.

After 30 minutes have passed the main areas of the city were clear, he sees the Disassembly Drones gather back at their pod and seemed to be talking. Maybe now would be a good time to finally introduce himself.

He jumps from the top of the building towards the city center. As he was falling he decides to be a bit flashy and do a backflip and landing with a loud boom.

He look up to see the 3 Drones staring in awe, and as he looked at them, they started to seem familiar in a way.

One with bobbed hair, one with twin pigtails, and the last with silver swooped hair.

Pushing the thought aside, he stands tall and crosses his arms behind his back. The 3 Drones understanding who they were finally meeting.

X: Hi, I'm Serial Designation X. Nice to meet you! Welcome to Copper-9.

The first to come up was the one with pigtails.

J: Hello, I'm Serial Designation J.

Next was the one with bobbed hair.

V: Sup, I'm Serial Designation V.

Now the final drone stepped up.

N: Hiiii, I'm Serial Designation N! Nice to meet you!

X looks to them and smile.

X: Nice to meet you all, I look forward to working with you! By the way, nice work on the Workers here. Only took you 30 minutes to clear the area.

J: Thanks X. We hope to do our best under you.

X: No problem, now how about we go out for a short hunting trip. I'll finally be able to let loose after all these months of stealth.

The 3 nod at him and they all deploy their wings and soar into the sky, switching their visors to murder mode. He gives the location of a group of Workers who had run from the chaos and were in hiding. X then has them all halt in the air.

X: N and V, I want you to round them up. J your with me.

After giving the order, N and V speed of and begin corralling the Workers into a single spot. While this is happening X looks to J.

X: So J, I assume you were the leader before arriving here and me taking the reigns.

J: Yes Captain, I was.

X: Well when I'm not able to, I'll need you to keep those two in line. You are the Second in Command when I am unable to lead. Understood?

J: Yes Captain.

X: Hey, what's with all the formality? Just call me X, I would actually prefer interactions to be more casual. Y'know?

J: Yes Capt- I mean X. I'll do my best, despite that probably taking awhile to get used to.

X: All I can ask to for you to try. Anyways, looks like they got them all gathered. Let's head down.

With N and V

V: Hahahaha~ This is such a blast!~ 

N: Uh yea, It is pretty fun. Haha!

As they gathered them in one place and had them secured they turned around to see X and J.

X: Great work you two, now let me deal with them.

As they moved aside, excited to see what their captain could do, X switched his hands and deployed his claws. But they were different this time, they were longer and seemed to glow with heat.

 He had diverted they excess heat his body produces into his claws, effectively making the claws even more deadly than ever before. X lifts his arms into the air on either side of himself and made a downward slash motion. 

As he did this, the heat from his hands had formed arcs of energy from his claws that decimated the group of workers in that single fell swoop.  He was impressed with the results and looked back to his squad.

N looked like a deer in headlights.

V had a crazed smile on her face, most likely being super impressed by the destruction caused by the attack.

J had a straight face, but X could tell she was admiring his skill and power.

X smiled and laughed sheepishly.

X: Hehe, may have gone overboard there.

V: That was badass, I wanna know how to do that!. 

N: Ooh ooh!, Me too!

X started to laugh at the antics those two were causing and finally responded.

X: Okay! Maybe some other time though. It's getting early, the sun will be out soon. Let's head to your pod and we'll rest until tomorrow night. Then we can begin hunting again.

They all nod and follow X's lead as he deploys his wings and soars into the air and back towards the pod. 

It's nice not being alone anymore, even though he just met them, they are already family to him.

X(thinking): I'll do my best to protect everyone here. No matter what it takes.

As he thinks this, his left right eye begins to glitch into that three pronged symbol and back to normal.

 X had no idea it had happened.

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