Flashback 2: Big Brother X

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Lightning booms over the mansion as the night goes on. X is currently standing at a bar with Cyn. The Worker who was repaired minutes after he was.

It's been a few years since he had been freed from his scrapyard prison, and since he had met the others. X had been stationed at said bar with Cyn to become acustom to life in the Elliot Manor. He usually stays there anyway

X was currently cleaning a small glass with a rag with utmost care, while Cyn stood beside him doing the same. As he was washing the glass he looked to Cyn with a question on his mind.

X: Hey Cyn, I have a question for you.

Cyn: Yes big brother X?

She had been calling him that since she was repaired with him. Probably due to that as well, being the first drone she saw when she awoke. She also did the same with N, who also accepted the nickname.

X: Do you remember anything about your life before coming here?

Cyn just stares at him and tilted her head to the side as if thinking.

Cyn: I do not, sorry big brother X.

X sighs sadly at this.

X: It's fine Cyn, thank you.

They both continued to clean the glass, until N came in with a tray of glasses. He seemed upset and it seems Cyn also picked up on it as well.

X: Hey N, you alright? You seem stressed.

N: Yea, I'm alright. Just kind of concerned about the other drones here, a lot of them are getting that 606 error.

X: Well I wouldn't worry about it, maybe it's just an update to their OS or something.

N: Yea, maybe your right X, you always have a level train of thought.

X: No problem N.

Cyn: Big brother N, maybe you would feel better by attending the gala with me. Light sip.

When she says this she then spills oil onto the floor and X sighs. Stuff like this happens all the time, Tessa say's it must be a glitch in her programming.

N: *sigh* Not sure if we're invited little buddy, why not just hang out here with X and I?

She then begins climbing onto the counter.

Cyn: Climbing. Criss-cross apple sauce. Am I not wanted, N?

She cocks her head to the side, leaning it on her hand.

N: Dude, you know it's Tessa's folks. *sigh* Don't give me those eyes.

Cyn's visor had switched to a picture of a puppy. Giving N, literal puppy dog eyes.

Cyn: Giggle, I am so naughty. The flesh demands invitation.

She sticks her tongue out, while her visor glitches minorly.

N giving in sighs.

N: Ah, we'll ask Tessa, okay? But only if X is okay with it.

They both look to X as he nods and sighs. 

X: Okay, you can go ask. I'll stay back and get some stuff done here. But if she says no, you 2 get back here immediately. Got it?

N: Okay X, thank you. Your the greatest!

N walks out with Cyn in tow and X sighs as he goes back to washing a glass.

X: Cyn, what am I gonna do with you?

???: Forgive me

X freezes and turns around slowly, only to see a massive eldritch abomination. With camera like eyes and flesh like exterior mixed with robotics, it was horrifying and X was frozen in fear. He then saw what seemed like a claw holding some device. 

The device started glowing and sent out a large electric pulse and everything went dark.

A Little while later

X slowly started to awaken from the forced system shutdown, wondering what had happened. He tried to stand move and realized he couldn't, looking down he noticed he was strapped to a chair. He looks around and is horrified by what he saw, there were drone pieces all around the room and what looked like wings on the wall.

X's thinking was cut short when he heard mechanical whirring to the side of him, and when he looked he saw the amalgamation of robotics and flesh.

X: What the hell...

Cyn: Hello big brother X. 

Now realizing who he was talking to, he was apalled.

X: Cyn!? What happened to you? What are you?

Cyn: The solver of the absolute fabric. The void. The exponential end.

X was confused as to what that meant, and to what was happening. Or to what will happen to him.

Cyn: Well anyway, time to get to work.

X: Wait what do you mean by that?

Cyn: I have a plan, one that requires you and the other drones. But first, modifications must be made so you may help me. You will be my best puppet, being generation 2 and all. Don't worry big brother X, you won't feel a thing.  What I will do will be for the best, so I can protect you from those evil humans.  I will assimilate your code with mine,  it will be for the best. Your memories will also be erased so you don't remember this.

Cyn very carefully pick up a scalpel and with precision begins cutting, slicing, and replacing parts. All throughout X screams in pain and horror as he wasn't able to  do anything. Soon he had passed out as Cyn converted his Worker Drone body into her image.

The world begins to glitch and becomes black.

In Reality

X wakes up with a scared start. That dream felt so real, or was it a memory? And why didn't he have them during his sleep mode he went into for the week he was in it during his upgrade those months back?

He didn't know anymore, that was the second time this has happened and he is no closer to figuring out what these visions are. 

He gets up and looked in his mirror, only for him to see a symbol in his right eye. It looked to be a three pronged star of some sort. He also saw a change in color as well, going from an orange to a yellow. But as fast as it was there, it was gone.

He doesn't dwell on it long and pushed the thought aside. He looked at his hand and curls it into a fist, then leaves his pod. His squad would arrive very soon.

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