Mystery and Another Memory?

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Welcome to the chapter! Hope you enjoy! Also, Question: How would a whole new story with my two OC's, X and Q(Chase) as the main characters sound? I thought of it while writing this and thought it would be pretty cool. Let me know! That would come a lot later due to time constraints though. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

After X and J had returned to the Corpse Spire, they saw things seemed to be going alright. they saw someone else in the tower and saw it was Thad, who had brought Uzi her railgun back to her and N and they conversed on recent things that had been happening in the colony.

Thad: I don't think the colony is even serious about all this banishment stuff, more just confused. Especially with the fact-

Uzi: I'm too rogue to re-enter society now? I can never return...

Thad: The recent attack on the colony by those 3? After you guys left there was a symbol left on one of the pillars in the evacuation area.

X then decided to join the conversation by landing right next them.

X: Hi Thad, I heard you say a symbol?

Uzi then looked to N, to X, then back to Thad.

Uzi: Did it happen to be look like this?

Uzi then draws the symbol in the snow, showing Thad what she meant.

Thad: Yeah, that's the one! How'd you know?

X: I've seen it somewhere before. Hey Uzi, why don't you and N go take a look around and see if you can figure this out. I'm gonna stay back and look after V and J, I'll probably take a crack at fixing the pod as well.

Uzi nods and N takes off with Thad and Uzi towards the bunker while X turns and goes back to the Corpse spire. Once he gets back he enters the pod and leans against a wall of the pod and sighs. V and J notice his appearance and his mood when he entered. V spoke up about it, seeming concerned rather than resentful due to still being in chains.

V: What's up with you? You don't ever seem stressed, maybe you need to kill off a few Workers!

J: Not including that last part, you do seem stressed, what's up?

X looked to them with a somber expression.

X: The symbol for some reason has been burned into a pillar in the colony evacuation site. Now I'm wondering what that symbols origin is.

X brings a hand to his chin in thought, then had an idea.

X: I'm gonna go into sleep mode for awhile.

J was confused at the statement.

J: Why? It's the peak of night and we slept not long ago. You technically don't even need to sleep for weeks at a time.

X: Well.... Sometimes when I sleep, I see what I believe are memories from a life before this. I'm gonna see if I can access them again. I believe we all may have come from the same place at one point.

V & J: NO!

X was startled at the outburst from the two and became confused

X: Wha-?

J and V looked almost frightened, their eyes becoming hollow ovals in their visors. With J sounding nervous .

J: You don't have to do that X, how about we do something else to figure this out?

X became suspicious of them and gave them a skeptic look.

X: You two know something don't you?

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