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So, I would like to once again ask for ideas. I'm in need of ideas for ships, if that's what people want. I'm also in need of story points that you would like to be more in depth. And probably some other things along the way.

I've had a few ship ideas if that happens but thought I would leave it to a vote.

I have:

-X x Uzi

-X x J

-X x V

-No ship

If you would like to see any of these, comment. But if you have another idea, comment it as well.

Edit- The votes will be totaled on Wednesday September 13th. Whichever has the highest amount is the final choice.

I'm also going to have to make more of a schedule after today so I have more time to write and also live my life. So I may post around once to twice a week depending on what the feel is. 

Thanks for bearing with me and stay tuned!

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