Month 8: Testing

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It's been 8 months since his descent onto Copper-9, and X has had a lot of free time on his hands.

When he wasn't out surveying cities and keeping tabs on places, he often was bored at his pod. So to decrease his boredom, he began making a hut outside his pod.

He used pieces of old buildings, old appliances, Worker drone parts, and whatever else he could get his hands on. He wasn't picky, after all there wasn't much he could use in this desolate wasteland. 

It took a few days, but he was able to make a livable space apart from his pod. It wasn't much, but it was a home nonetheless. He had  walls and a roof overhead, and decorated the inside with various things. 

He had fashioned a couple of worker drone parts into a mannequin for his new coat he had received, and put the calendar on the wall, despite it's uselessness. It was coming together slowly.

He had also salvaged an old bed with an intact mattress from the ruins , and an old pillow. While sleep wasn't a requirement for him to live, he still enjoyed it. It helped him pass the time so he wasn't so bored all the time.

As of now X was just making small adjustments to his shack, and made a decision. 

X: I think I'll go out and test what I can do, I know it's a lot but I've never tested myself to see what I'm capable of.

He finished his adjustments and quickly soared into the sky to an abandoned area of the planet. Using some rocks he sets up a practice dummy and begins going through his arsenal, besides the normal Disassembly Drone loadout it seems he has more variety.

 Along with those he seems to have a flamethrower, minigun, EMP tranquilizer darts, energy repulsor,  and a tracking dart shooter. And that's only a part of what he has, so he'll test these weapons and see how effective they are.

He takes aim with the minigun on his right arm and fires it at the rock dummy. Each shot fired hit it with precision, which surprised him since miniguns are more of a spray and pray weapon.

He didn't question it as he switched to the flamethrower and began to shoot a massive torrent of white flames at the rock dummy. The head was so intense it smoothed out the rock and made it shine.

X smiled with satisfaction, confident in his ability for now he flew back to his camp. He would continue tests when he had more spare time later. But right now, he had to check and see if HQ ha sent him anymore tasks to complete.

He had been checking since he had arrived here to be sure he had things to do. Usually HQ sent him a list of miscellaneous tasks to complete, like survey this and that or clear the Worker population from this area. 

They were all nearly the same, but he completed them regardless. As he went to his console in the pod, he didn't see any new tasks. This confused him as there usually was, no matter the importance.

Then a notification popped up on his console, it read "Enter sleep mode for a routine system update and cleaning."

X although confused as to why this was happening, didn't question the companies wishes and immediately went to his bed in his shack and laid down. Entering a sleep mode that he hoped wouldn't be long.

He slowly shut down as his world became black and he slipped into unconsciousness once again.

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