Chapter 2 | Memory

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     Lottie woke up the next morning and checked her phone. Her usual tiger screensaver was up which made her smile a little out of comfort. It was time to go through her usual daily routine which meant going off to a coffee shop, helping more new students move in, and beginning to throw parties again. She was used to only partying with close friends but since there were going to be a lot of new people coming, she knew that she had to give other people a chance to experience her little get-togethers as well. 

     She put a brown bag over her shoulder and went over to StrawTikki Boba Shop. This was the most popular boba shop in town and she knew that if she kept going there every day, she was bound to meet new people. 

     In front of her, she spotted her favorite cashier. He had dreamy brown eyes, auburn hair, and usually wore the brown coffee shop apron with a plain white shirt and blue jeans. After helping a few customers, he spotted her and smiled.

     "Welcome back, Charlotte,"  he greeted, clasping his two hands together on the counter. "What may I get you? The usual?"

     "Mhm, a caramel latte with extra whipped cream," she smiled. "Could you also sneak some strawberry pieces on there?"

    He laughed and gave her an unnoticeable thumbs up. After disappearing using the back door for a few minutes, he came back with a pink cup which contained the caramel latte with whipped cream. The strawberry pieces were perfectly placed within the whipped cream. 

    She grabbed the cup and flirtatiously giggled, "I can really count on you for anything, can I?"

     He nodded and handed her a red loopy straw before going over to help the next customer. He mouthed a 'have fun with that' to her before hearing the next order.

     Lottie went back to the outdoor entrance of the boba shop and then sat down at a fancy seating set. The table was made of glass and the chairs may have been made from plastic but they had beautiful designs on the backboard with holes within them to create the illusion of vines stringing up the seat. 

     She spotted the man who had shared a forensic science class with her the year before. "Hey, Alec"

     "Hey," answered the young man with brown hair, coal-gray eyes, a red and black striped hoodie, and dark gray jeans. "I should have known that you were into these types of places"

     "Don't act like you don't come here too," she smirked. "Sit down, let's talk"

     She eyed the bandages on his arm as well as the Band-Aid next to his eye and gave him a concerned look. "You good? You look like you accidentally got hit by a whole soldier in a war..."

     He sighed, "Eh, something that like that..."

    He brushed back his dark, messy hair and sat in the seat across from her. 

     Lottie rested her right arm on the loopy straw and had her left hand keeping her head up by placing it in between her chin and her cheek. She sipped some of the boba before sighing and getting out her phone again.

     "Classes start on Monday, now I've got to set up my year plans pretty soon," she whined.

     Alec chuckled and gave her a smug look in response. "Lottie, you've got this. Also, I've been meaning ask to you something"

     Lottie raised an eyebrow, questioning if he was about to ask her on a date or not. "Alright, shoot"

     "Well," he said, his smug look turning into a calm, gentle expression. "I was wondering if you were going to begin inviting new people to your gatherings. Especially some of the..newer students.."

     Her eyes widened, "Is Mr. Baddie in love with one of the newcomers already?"

     He blushed and trying to save himself, he blurted out, "N-No! I was just wondering..."

     Lottie put her hand on his and tried to give him reassurance. "Well, it's very likely that the girl you like will be coming to my next gathering, especially if I find her cool to hang out with, y'know?"

     He nodded, trying not to show how embarrassed he was of telling a girl that he had just developed a crush on someone he obviously just met. Lottie was surprised that Alec had gotten a crush, especially since he was so distant from people. Perhaps having a girlfriend would open him up to the world a little more. 

     Although, perhaps there was a reason that he didn't communicate with others much. All that she knew about Alec was that he would always get sent to military camps growing up and that he had a really strict dad. That did explain why he never made a big deal over injuries. 

     "Aren't you going to tell me who the lucky girl is?" she teased. He shook his head and she laughed. He laughed back nervously.

     "Well, I've got a few things to take care of. It was great running into you, Lottie"

     She nodded and watched him walk away. He was always so secretive about his personal life and she could never figure out why. 


     Alec thought about the young woman who had let her stay in his dorm room yesterday. Since she was a freshman in college, it was obvious that she must have been a few years younger than him. Throughout his entire life, he had never spotted somebody he considered that beautiful before. 

     He wanted to get to know her better but didn't know how to get there. Although, she did seem like the kind of person Lottie would become close friends with even though it wasn't clear what they would have in common with each other.

     Via was a gamer like Alec which meant that she must have had her own virtual life within VR games and chat sites in general. 

      'A cat hoodie would look adorable on her,' he thought as he continued walking on the street. Cars rushed past him while he still stayed lost in thought. He had to know her class schedule so that he could find excuses to talk to her during the day. He wasn't just going to pass up the opportunity of getting to know someone which he found somewhat relatable. 

     'Maybe tomorrow I'll see her again,' he thought again, stopping on the sidewalk to look at the window of a store.  There was a new pink gaming chair on display with a big black bow in the middle. Perhaps if they ever began dating, he could buy something like that for her as a surprise as well as a few expensive pieces of jewelry.

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