Chapter 3 | The Beginning

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     As the bell rang, Via finally made it into her classroom and rested one arm on the doorframe while quickly panting from exhaustion. There was only one empty seat left and so she just went with the flow and took it. Sitting down, she set all of her notebooks down in front of her and got out a stylish purple and blue pen with a plastic pink kitty head as the lid. She could hear the guy next to her quietly let out a laugh. She couldn't tell if he found the pen cute or if he was making fun of her. Either way, she rolled her eyes.

     During class, the teacher assigned them a nine page paper to write about what they thought was the most important supreme court case and why. She should have seen this coming after hearing from people how different college was compared to high school. Thankfully, they had a few days to finish the paper. She looked over at what the man next to her was doing and he had sketched a full outline of what was going to be included in his paper already. She squinted, trying to make out what his horrible handwriting said. 

     "Trying to cheat, huh?" he asked, still eyeing his own paper. 

     "I can't even read that," Via scoffed. She felt bad afterwards, knowing how rude those words had come out. No matter what accusation had been shot her way, it was wrong to insult someone's handwriting. 

     It was the first day of school and her brain was too tired for her to focus on structuring a whole nine page paper. Therefore, instead, she sketched out her own mini comic book the rest of the hour. At the end of it, the man next to her grabbed her notebook and ripped out the comic book pages.

     "You're doing this instead of your work? How sad.." 

     Via glared at him, "It's sad that nobody taught you not to take things which don't belong to you"

     He finally looked her in the eyes and gave her an arrogant look. "Life is a competition in which we fight for things which don't yet belong to us, honey. Although, nobody is going to fight for really need some drawing lessons"

     He crunched up those pieces of paper into a ball and threw them into the trash can. 

     Normally, she would storm up to the front of the classroom and complain about that hostile upperclassman. However, he wasn't worth making a scene on her first day of school. Instead, she began reading one of her books on politics. He drew up a smug look on his face, sprung his legs up on top of their desk, tied his arms behind his neck, and then watched her as she read. Via continued to ignore him try to make her uncomfortable and took notes on important words and their definitions written in her textbook.

     "Does little miss reader have a name?" he scoffed.

     She lowered the book down slightly, and mockingly smiled at him. "Octavia"

     "Ah, so you can hit past the octave, can you?"

     "I'm not a singer"

     "Why not?"

     After twenty minutes of bothering her nonstop, the bell finally rang and Octavia was able to grab all of her stuff and rush towards the door. He grabbed her by the wrist and she turned around to face him. "I'll be seeing you tomorrow, I'm assuming?"

       "Wow, I wonder what brought you to that conclusion!" she exclaimed, sarcastically. "Don't expect me to be nice to you after you threw away my stuff without my permission"

     She yanked her wrist out of his grasp and walked into the hallways. She didn't even want to know what he was thinking at that moment. He was most likely going to bully her for the rest of the school year, unless he wanted to harass her until she graduates. She went into the bathroom and got two hairbands out of her purse. Then, she tied two small pigtails onto the surface of her hair. She wanted to at least feel like she was cute, even when being picked on. Her next class wasn't going to start for another three hours which meant that she had a lot of free time to explore the school. Wandering through the hallways which were covered with cream and brown striped wallpaper, she finally spotted the library which was full of loads of antique furniture. The furniture was a rich shade of brown and was very appealing to look at. She spotted Alec reading in the corner of the room on a dark red leather couch and approached him. 

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