Chapter 4 | Time To Rush

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     Lottie's zigzag driving finally became zigzag parking once they stopped at outdoor mall's parking lot. There were two lines of buildings ahead of them and the mall's stores as a whole made the shape of a crossroad. As soon as the car had been parked, Via pushed her door open and bolted out of the car, feeling extremely nauseas. She had no idea how her stomach was still inside in after that incident and thought that it could even explode at that point. Lottie nearly hit five men, a group of schoolchildren, and several traffic signs. Thankfully, Via was there to scream at her to turn whenever they were about to hit something. Even after that whole incident, Lottie seemed to keep her cheerful, optimistic nature. Via questioned if they were even both human at that point. 

     "Come on! We're here!" exclaimed Lottie, clutching onto Via's arm very tightly and dragging her into the mall's center where a beautiful white fountain was. On top of the fountain was the statue of a swan and the water was coming out of it's elegant beak. The swan would also open it's wings every 3 minutes. Via found the effort they put into that statue fascinating. 

     "So, which store are we checking out first?" asked Via. "Thanks again for agreeing to help me find a dress"

     "Of course," spoke Lottie, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm like such a good friend.."

     They walked through beautiful rose gardens which contained a variety of white, pink, and red flowers. Although, the thorns on the stems of the roses seemed to have overgrown. They looked like they could slice up a person badly. 

     Once their sweat caught up to their necks, they reached a store which had black walls as well as painted pink polka-dots. There were also mini white stripes which covered the walls top to bottom horizontally.

     "This store seems to be more your taste..." admitted Lottie, opening the huge light pink door with a white handle and walking in. The store contained an abundance of clothes in each category. Although, the store seemed to be mainly for young women since the men's section was a small corner in the back of the room. She didn't even think that it was possible for a store to be selling everything she could ever want. The products sold ranged from cat hoodies to beautifully cut out nightgowns to formal attire. The two girls went over to the section which was labeled 'DATE NIGHT' and checked out the options. 

     Lottie picked out a few dresses and threw them at her. "I'd recommend only trying the red dress. I heard that the color red makes women look more appealing."

     "Where did you find that out? The internet?" teased Via. 

     "Hey! It sounded true....well, to me, at least," Lottie replied, crossing her arms. 

     Via went into the changing room which was a big black box. The curtain was white and had black polka-dots on it. The store owner seemed to have been a huge fan of polka-dotted architecture and furniture. The first dress she tried on was a blue dress which had sleeves when ran horizontally across her chest and left her shoulders showing. Although, the dress looked more like a sweater dress she could wear casually. It went up to the middle of her thighs and seemed to be very baggy and that didn't look appealing for a first date. 

     The other dresses that Lottie gave her didn't seem very appealing either which is why she took her advice and skipped to trying the red dress. The red dress was short and also shoulder-less but the edges were black and formed the illusion of ink coming up and down the dress. There was also a triangular cut out on the bottom left of her dress. She walked out and Lottie gave her a thumbs up. 

     "You look great! Although, that will be $5,000...." said Lottie, lowering her voice. 

     Via sighed, "I'll call my parents"

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