Chapter 8 | A Little Present

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    Octavia entered her room and screamed once she saw the "present" her stalker had left for her. Her entire gaming setup had been wrecked with a hammer. 

    It was 7:30 A.M in the morning and her red-haired roommate was wearing ugly puppy dog pajamas with oversized images of species all over her pants and shirt. "I knew you were weird the second I saw you!" she shrieked.

    "What are you talking about?"

    "Six goons in some weird astronaut suits came over here with hammers and smashed all of your equipment! Then, they took off and left! I was traumatized as I sat and watched the entire thing."

    "Astronaut suits?"

    "Well, no, but their clothes were so ugly, that is the best way I can describe them! No offense to astronauts, those suits are cute when they serve their actual purpose. I'm going to beg administration for a new roommate now, you freak!" she exclaimed as she stormed out of the room. 

    Octavia looked back at the gaming equipment as her eyes began to water. He was an absolute monster. That gaming setup was expensive. He must have been protesting against how much money Alec had spent on her during their date. She ran to the beautiful keyboard and monitor she had bought only a few months ago. She had no idea how she was going to explain the situation to her parents. She would have to take the blame since she didn't want them to think she had a dangerous bully or stalker constantly bugging her at school. This was her first year living away from home and she wanted to seem like she had things under control. She did also need to borrow a decent amount of money to buy a new setup though. Perhaps they could lend her around gradually $5,000 throughout the next 6 months. 

    She laid down on her bed and screamed into her pillow. That's when she felt a weird texture hit her back. She got up and looked to see what she had laid on and it was a piece of paper which said, "If you want me to leave you, your friends, and your family alone, get me Alec's ring." 

    She did not even know that Alec had a ring. It was weird that all he wanted was a simple piece of jewelry in order to leave her alone. Actually, that would have also meant that he killed Alec in hopes of retrieving that simple piece of jewelry. As someone with a fashion obsession, not even she could relate to that kind of behavior.

    'I've never even seen Alec wear a ring. There is also a chance that he has multiple, how am I supposed to know which one to give my stalker? Do I retrieve all of them and lay them out for him?' she wondered.

    She walked up to the mirror across from the bathroom door, got out a hairband from the top of the drawer next to it, and tied her hair up into a ponytail. She was exhausted after being tied up in an abandoned place by a psychopath all night. Although, she still had to go to class. She had her next class with Lottie, thankfully. 

     'Wait, why am I trying to leave my dorm already?! I got no sleep last night and class is in three hours. I should take a two hour nap,' she thought. 

     She immediately took off her ponytail and went over to the side of her bed. She had already left her purse on the counter next to her bed when entering the room. She yanked her phone out of her purse and set up the timer. Then, she picked up the piece of paper that was left for her and stuffed it in the drawer. She pulled off the covers from  the corner of her bed, crawled into them, and snuggled up until she was comfortable enough to begin shutting her eyes and falling asleep.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 14 ⏰

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The Gamer Girl Who Caught My Eye | A Yandere StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ