Chapter 6 | Struggle

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     Octavia's roommate had moved in the next morning. She had light red hair, green eyes, black glasses, and freckles spreading over the top of her nose. When coming in, she also wore a white blouse, brown shorts, and knee-high red socks together with brown loafers as shoes. All of her luggage was dark purple and they had no unique design on them. She seemed to prefer solid colors over detailed pieces. 

     "I'm Via," smiled Octavia, trying not to reflect the pain she was feeling into her facial expression. Her roommate rolled her eyes at her, threw her luggage onto her new bed, and then left. Shortly after, underneath her breath she muttered, "Ugh, how rude..."

     In a way, Octavia was very relieved that her roommate had left her to be alone in her dorm. She was still grieving over Alec, after all. What's worse was, she didn't even know what to label Alec as since they never even got to officially become boyfriend and girlfriend. She couldn't refer to him as a friend since they were becoming more than that but she also couldn't refer to him as an ex boyfriend either. She sprung open the doors of her closet and pulled out one of her cat-eared hoodies. She slipped it on and sunk into the warm, comfortable feeling of it. After pulling her hood up onto the top of her head, she made her way over to the fridge to pull out a tub full of ice cream. She opened a drawer, took out a silver spoon, then dug it into the tub after opening the tub's cap. 

     After closing both the fridge door and the drawer, she plopped down onto the couch and looked on her phone. It was hard to believe that she had been able to sleep last night, especially after what had happened. It was unclear to her whether or not that would make her a good person, since a person who truly cared about Alec would not have been able to sleep that night.  Although, she was certain that she cared about Alec and that is why she couldn't understand how she could have dozed off without any sort of sleep medication. She decided to try not to think about it too much and got her mini gaming laptop out to text her friends. Normally, she would have played one of her favorite shooting games in between classes in order to get a confidence boost, especially since she usually got the highest score after each round. Everyone in the servers would cheer for her and call her a 'pro' or a 'legend' or any sort of compliment they could think of from the top of her head. This was no time for Octavia to have fun though, she had to show respect towards Alec for a few more days or weeks before she could do anything else to distract herself. Instead of pulling up one of her favorite shooting games, she opened the chat site she usually would use to text her friends.

     Her eyes suddenly shot open as email notifications popped up onto her home screen. They weren't ordinary school-related emails about an assignment or educational opportunity. Instead, they seemed to be coming from someone with bad intentions. Someone who wanted to harm her. Someone who wanted to harm her friends and family. That 'someone' who had harmed Alec. Normally, she would have closed the email and reported it to school authority. Her curiosity got the best of her though and she clicked it anyways. She couldn't help but think of the phrase 'curiosity kills the cat' while doing so. She had to figure out the answers behind Alec's death, though, as a way to avenge him. He wanted to avenge others in law enforcement but unfortunately, was never able to. It wasn't too late for Octavia to avenge him though. She opened up the email and was surprised to see that he hadn't emailed her through her school email.

     He had emailed her through her personal email which she usually used for streaming purposes. That must have meant that he knew about the gaming live streams she was making on various platforms as an attempt to make money. If he was watching her streams, there a high chance that he knew more information about her than she thought he did. There wasn't enough evidence to prove that he was a direct stalker, though. 

     She raised an eyebrow as she read the name that the emailer had set for himself.


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