Chapter 7 | Negotiation

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    "Trick you?" he chuckled quietly. "And don't worry, love, I'm not planning on hurting you"

    Octavia heard a chair screech towards her. 

    "Not unless you put up too much of a fight," he spoke again. She flinched as she heard a sharp object get thrown past the left of her head, into a spot in the wall far behind her. That was a good throw.

    "Are you on the baseball team or something?" she teased, trying to lighten the mood.

    "No," he replied, sternly. 

     "Do you go to my school?"

     "I'm the one asking the questions here," he sharply spoke again, more aggressively this time.

     She heard another screech coming from a sharp weapon which was trailing across the walls behind her. He was most likely trying to seem intimidating. The screeches got louder and louder until Octavia tried struggling past the ropes which were tying her down. Of course, it was no use.

     "That noise! It's so annoying," she whined. Then, she heard an even worse sound. She heard nails run down a chalkboard. She shut her eyes tight, trying to withstand the annoying sound.

     "Would you prefer physical torture?" he whispered.

     "This is physical torture, you're hurting my ears!"

     "Quit behaving so playfully in attempt to hide your fear," he smirked. "I can see right through that act of yours."

    He grabbed ahold of the tips of the chair behind her, leaning it back towards him and whispered in her eye, "Let's get back to business now, shall we?"

    He quickly turned the chair to face him, making Octavia let out a short scream. She had to admit that she was scared. If he wasn't going to hurt her, there was still a chance that he was going to keep her here for a very long time if she did not negotiate well with him. He also could have been lying. 

     "S-So, w-what do you want," she stuttered slightly. She was irritated by the fact she let herself stutter in front of him, especially since she was trying so hard to look strong. Then again, she was literally tied to a chair in front of her friends' killer and blindfolded. She wanted to ask him about that but was scared to make him angry. This man could have been entirely unstable. 

     "You," he whispered, teasingly. 

    She blushed uncomfortably, panicking a little.

    Then he burst out laughing, "I swear, your reaction! No, don't worry, this is not that kind of encounter, honey! I simply would like to ask you for a favor"

     "But I thought-"

     "That the favor had something to do with you? Well, it kind of does. You will be retrieving something for me!"

     He put something in her hands which almost felt like thick paper. She grasped onto it, "What is this?"

     "A yellow envelope!"

     She felt him untie her blindfold and she quickly looked around to see him. There was nobody else in the room. A chill went up her spine as she felt something stab down the ropes which tied her down as well. She got up but quickly collapsed when she heard,

     "Sit back down. Now," demanded a voice on four large speakers which surrounded all four corners of the room. She covered her ears in pain which caused the envelope to fall into her lap. She didn't understand why he had to torture her audibly rather than another way. "Now, open the envelope."

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