Chapter 5 | It Begins

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     Even though Via trusted Alec, she knew that she still had to be cautious when walking into an alley alone. Thankfully, she brought her trusty black purse with white diamond print. She stopped a waiter as they walked past her by waving her hand up. 

     "There are cameras in the nearby alleys, right?" she asked. The waiter nodded and she left the building making her way into the alley. She had her pocket knife ready just incase. Although, she did not see anyone there. It was empty and all she could see were stray cats as well as dumpsters. Frowning, she noticed ink dripping out of a dumpster. She backed away from it, knowing that it probably wasn't good news. Hopefully Alec wasn't pranking her. 

     She got out her phone and began to call him and heard a song blast from inside the dumpster. It was a rock parody about narwhals. The stray cats loudly hissed towards the dumpster and ran their own separate ways out of the alley. That phone must have been Alec's. She screamed and quickly ran out of the alley onto the street where it was public and called the police. Two hours later, the police arrived and put yellow caution tape around the area. Afterwards, they slowly opened the lid of the dumpster. All of their eyes began to widen as one of the cops wiped down their own face in dread. A red liquid trailed down all corners of the opened section of the dumpster.

     "What did they find?" asked Via.

     "It's your date," sighed a female cop, walking up to her from the dumpster. "I'm sorry"

     The ambulance arrived and wailed their sirens loudly as they carried what was left of Alec's dismembered body. They also pulled out a banner which seemed to have read 'Will you be my girlfriend?' but some of the letters were unreadable and drenched in the red liquid. That must  have been Alec's blood. She hadn't made any enemies which meant that the killer must have either been someone he didn't get along with or a stranger who had been targeting the city's alleys.

     "Can you check the cameras?" she asked as tears began to uncontrollably trickle down her face. She tried to stabilize her voice but it cracked anyways as she tried not to cry. 

     "There are no cameras in the alley..." replied the cop. She looked at her, confused.

     "But...the waiter told me-"

     "Well, then they lied to you, kid"

     She didn't want to cry in the front of the cops so she asked for their numbers, asked them to inform her of any updates and then quickly sped-walked into her car. She pulled open her door with full force and slammed it shut then put her feet up onto her leather seat, digging her face into her knees and began to cry. She could feel her heart beating at what she thought could be full speed and looked out the window. His body was severely torn up and he didn't deserve that. She got a notification on her phone on what his injuries were from the hospital. His stomach had been sliced open with his guts sticking out, his neck had been burnt up from different areas, his hands had been tied together with a rope as well as his legs and he had been stabbed an extra twenty times all over his body. He had also been stabbed from the side of his head with a blade. 

     "At least they spared those eyes," she gasped, wiping tears off of her right eye with the bottom of her palm. Then, she got another message from an anonymous number which scared her enough to throw her phone onto the passenger seat.

     The message read, 'It was no accident, they left you a note'

     She breathed heavily, looked out the window for a few minutes, and then finally turned back to the passenger seat to check her phone. She grasped her belonging tightly and stared at it's screen, spotting the message's photo attachment. She clicked it and her glare became stone cold as she read what it said.

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