Preparations for the Festival

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Y/n pov

As the Vytal Festival approached I sat in my team's temporary dorm room‚ waiting on them to arrive.

Y/n:"Alright‚ we all know whichever two of us are in the second round will play rock‚ paper‚ scissors to find out who goes to round three. But what about round two? Who are we sending in?"

I asked as I spoke to my team in the group video call.

Hank:"I was only in the second round of one festival."

Sarah:"We have all only been in one second round Hank."

Denzel:"I think it should be Y/n and Sarah for round two."

Y/n:"Me and Sarah? Alright why?"

Hank:"Yea Denzel. Why?"

Denzel:"I dunno. I just feel like they should."

Sarah:"Ugh. Bloody idiots‚ all of you."

Y/n:"Hey! Don't lump me in with these two!"

Hank:"Why not? You embarrassed of us?!"

Y/n:"Hank I swear to the ancients that I will shove my foot so far up your-"

Sarah:"Alright boys. That's enough of that! There's little kids in earshot of me."

Hank:"Destroy the children."

Y/n:"Hank‚ shut the fuck up."

Hank:"Fair enough‚ shutting up."

Sarah:"Alright‚ Denzel said me and Y/n. Anyone else have an idea for which of us should go to round two? No? Alright."

Y/n:"I'm gonna give each of you a list of things we need for round one. Sarah‚ I'll text you a second list of things for round two."

Sarah:"Alright. What do we need?"

Y/n:"Hank‚ dust. Lot's of it. I need fire‚ ice‚ air‚ and lightning dust for Agatha's Wrath‚ and explosive rounds for Mustang and Sally."

Hank:"When the fuck did you name your pistols?"

Y/n:"The names are engraved into the sides of the barrels Hank! Anyway‚ Sarah what kinda dust do you use in your rifle?"

Sarah:"Hard light. You can't find rounds like that anywhere though. Just get me some Hard Light dust and I'll do the rest."

Hank:"Copy. Denzel? What do you need?"

Denzel:"Fire you fucking moron! I have a FLAMING sword!"

Hank:"Alright! No need to fuckin yell!"

Y/n:"Denzel‚ I need you to get armor for each of us. We cut it close in the second round last year. Clearly Aura isn't gonna be enough this year."

Denzel:"Got it. Let me know who needs what."

Hank:"Shin guards and boots. I plan on kicking the shit out of someone this year."

Sarah:"Not really armor but something to help keep the sun out of the front lenz of my scope."

Y/n:"Just some bracers should do for me."

Denzel:"Alright‚ got the list made."

Y/n:"Good. Sarah‚ tools for weapon maintenance. We have been getting a bit too laid back about it. I'm not letting any one of you use 'My stuff isn't working' as an excuse."

Sarah:"Alright then. That it?"

Y/n:"For now yes. I'll let you know what we need for round two once I get it figured out. For now? Enjoy the rest of your day. I'm gonna go see about getting something to eat. See you fucking morons later."

   I said as I hung up the call. Leaving the dorms and making my way to the cafeteria. If all goes well‚ then we won't have anything to worry about tomorrow.

Alright. I'm sorry that this chapter took so long to get out. As I said I the update‚ what I write on broke so I was unable to write anything. The borderlands story will have to wait until tomorrow as it still needs to be edited before I post it. Anyway‚ that said I will see you all next time.

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