7 Days Til Sunday (CHP 33)

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I guess she's not as frail as she seems. I pushed as hard as I could but she said "That's okay."

-TV Girl

"Treasuring hunting?" Hunter seemed unamused by the idea, an eyebrow partially raised.

"Yeah! C'mon, Hunter. Everyone else is gone for the day, and Eda said there's even some old Clawthorne family treasure somewhere out back!" Gus seemed enthralled at the thought, already prepared in old clothes, heavy duty boots and even a shovel in hand.

"Eda also told you that Snagglebacks eat stray cats and unicorns."

"They probably do! King said those things are the most dangerous demons on the isles!" 

Hunter sighed, glancing over at Flapjack. The palisman chirped a bit at him, and he understood. He ran a quick hand through his hair before standing up.

"Alright, Gus. Let's go find that 'Clawthorne family treasure.'"

"Edric, do we even know where we're going? You said you had some cool spot to show me!" Amity groaned, following after her completely clueless brother.

"..probably? I mean, it's a demon cat cafe I found the other day while I was out with Hunter. I thought you would like it!" Ed shrugged a bit.

"A cat cafe? Ed, I'm not seven. Didn't Emira take us to one of those once?" She rolled her eyes, watching the streets around her.

"Yeah, didn't you like it? I just thought you might like a little bit of nostalgia."

"I guess.. But why just us? I mean. You could have brought your boyfriend here for a date."

"I wanted to hang out with my little sister, is that such a crime now?" Ed turned slightly to face her.

"No, but why?"

"Why not?"

"Gus. why did you even invite me out of everyone else?" Hunter had leaned himself against a tree, Flapjack in a branch above him.

"Eh, no reason... You think there'd be some treasure in this suspiciously leafy spot?" Gus didn't wait for an answer before he started to dig away at the area.

"Aren't leaves a natural thing? Why would it give away where some treasure is?" He got up from the tree, kneeling next to the pile.

"Eda's sneaky, I don't know how the rest of her family is, or how they'd hide something like this." He shrugged, tossing dirt behind him.

After just a couple minutes of digging, Gus had yet to find anything but a fairly deep hole and confusion.

"A dead end. How sure are we there's even treasure back here again?" Hunter glanced down in the hole before glancing over at Gus.

"Pretty sure. Eda said her family used to be really well respected, probably."

"Edric! Are you even listening to me?" Amity scoffed, glaring over at her dazed brother.

"Yeah, yeah... of course I am. What were you saying?" Edric flipped the map again. Was it upside down or going to the left now?

Reality Check - A Huntric/Goldric Based FicWhere stories live. Discover now