The Hallway of Death

130 18 50

This is short but don't fight me,

WARNING: death, blood, stabby stab stab tool

BigB's Perspective-

This place was eerie.

I didn't like it.

Sure, it was beautiful mansion,

But knowing that we were trapped with murders was terrifying.

I looked around the giant dining room and saw Ren chatting with Cleo.

Ren had joined our group, and a part of me didn't trust him.

I lived with Cleo and Lizzie, so they had my trust.

But Ren?

I knew nothing about him,

And no one else did either.

He was all by himself.

And I didn't trust him at all.


I smiled as me and Lizzie chatted.

We were still pretty nervous about this whole thing, but at least I had her with me.

She was always like a sister to me, and I trusted her with all my heart.

She then left to go find Cleo and Ren, and I just wandered around.

I was a bit nervous as the giant mansion had an eerie vibe.

I was looking around in the study when I heard someone start crying for help.

I peeked my head out of the study and heard someone continue to cry.

They sounded like they were begging for help. 

I quickly ran around the corner and saw Pearl stabbing Grian.

Grian was crying and bleeding out in pain.

Blood was gushing from his chest wound, but Pearl was in a rage.

She was not stopping.

Her mother's blade was like a red blur as she struck again and again, like a raging beast.

She then launched at me.

I screamed and tried to run but Pearl grabbed me and threw me down.

She brought her blade down at my face, but this time I moved my head out of the way.

The blade glanced off my cheek and hit the wall behind me.

I was not prepared for how forceful the blow was.

The pain made me throw up and I was out for the count.

Pearl was out of control.

I had never seen someone as crazy as her.

I screamed out in pain before dying.

The last thing I heard was Pearl's heavy breathing.

"It's too late." She said.

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