Chapter 8 - Part 2

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"Our talk was going so well," Camiel said seriously, "but I don't know any Lud boys who are transporting Seorite, nor any Zalesians involved" he added. "I repeat, I have nothing to do with it." He lowered his voice. "But let's get back to my offer. Can I leave peacefully or do you have anything else in mind?"

The Lieutenant moved forward again and said: "I can't let you go. What do you think I am, a coward? I have a duty to avenge my men."

Camiel snorted, but was feigning a superiority he did not possess. This time he knew he was taking a risk: the new stone was far from accepting interaction and the rope bracelet had almost run out of space for any more sprouts.

The Lieutenant reactivated his helmet and a horizontal line of purple color cut the metal visor in two.

"Too bad, I'm sorry. Can I at least know your name?" asked Camiel, raising his guard.

"Lieutenant Iznar Tun, Fifth Detachment," he said just before lunging at him.

The Hozman avoided the throat thrust at the last moment, swerving to his left. The tip hit him on the shoulder and a spray of blood stained the soil.

"What happened to your magic?" said Iznar mockingly. "Where is the great battle skill praised by your people?"

"Just a few setbacks, nothing that's unsolvable," he replied, and backed up one step. He held back a grimace and concealed the increasing pain with a smile. The right shoulder was gone and he had to focus on breathing to withstand the pain. He moved the sword to the other hand and he circled around Iznar with small sideways movements.

He tried for the umpteenth time to activate the ring and the powers that came from using the Voice of the Soul, but the large green crystal continued to not respond as he wanted: it broke the orange thread of the ring at every contact. Inside his mind, there were alternations of screams and silences without a proper balance. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't focus.

Camiel increased the distance from the enemy and planted the sword on the ground.

The Lieutenant backed away. His hands tight on the lance, the tip fixed on the adversary.

The Hozman took the three crystals from his pocket and arranged the sleeve so that the rope bracelet was free from the fabric.

"Here's the magic you wanted," he said in a challenging tone. He searched for a symbol among his memories, focused on it calmly: his eyes were fixed on Iznar, but his mind focused and joined imaginary lines. Finally, he looked at the crystals.

The three stones rose from his hand and positioned themselves in front of his face. Three blades of light formed wich mimiked the movements of each of his finger gestures. Three bell chimes spread through the air.

Iznar watched the alternation of colors that swirled around the three small pieces of Seorite for a moment. "Hozman, what are you doing?" he asked, keeping the spear between himself and the blades.

The rope bracelet filled with the last sprout. Camiel moved his fingers and the light shards attacked the Kharzanian in sequence.

Iznar rotated the spear and repelled the trio of blows in one movement.

Camiel kept his gaze on the stones that increased in speed. One of them started spinning above his head. The others started moving in front of the Lieutenant again.

"Stop these things!" shouted Iznar between one attack and another. The blades were fast and changed their rhythm every time their target guessed their trajectory. The Lieutenant seemed to be getting more and more tired. A final assault injured his arm and only then did the light shards stop.

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