Chapter 9 - Part 2

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Cora froze, turned with gritted teeth. "They are here," he said.

A figure emerged slowly from behind a tree: long raven hair slid like two waterfalls on the chest. Elidana, Marmorel, and Fez remained silent, a shadow of terror darkening their faces.

Aran also remained petrified: he wasn't a Kharzanian and certainly was better than a hungry beast. He straightened his shoulders and said, "Who is asking?"

It was then that Cora recognized him. He was the man who helped them after the accident. What was he doing there? Had he followed them?

"I need to talk to him. I heard Cora calling him by name," said Camiel calmly, maintaining his gaze on the blond boy. "I know he's the son of the Allets, a boy like you. And he's traveling around here... a rather curious coincidence, don't you think?"

"You're the Hozman from this morning. I saw you, you know?" Aran snarled disdainfully. "And I don't mean when you were helping the injured: you were there before the accident. I saw you from the train. You were outside the wagons, damn it! With a sword in your hand!"

"I don't deny it, but you're partly wrong. The culprit of the accident was the Kharzanian soldier I had to face," said Camiel calmly. Marmorel hissed in fear. "Stay calm, I'm not here to hurt you..."

"Well, I'm Aran Allet!" exclaimed the boy.

The Hozman breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You can call me Camiel. We have a lot to discuss about important matters that concern you, or rather, concern all of you." He slowly moved his hand to his sword. Cora held his breath. Even more slowly, Camiel stuck it into the trunk of a tree. The blade was stained with red, but the newcomer spread his hands and showed that he didn't have any other weapons on him.

"While you decide how to continue the conversation..." Camiel quickly looked at Fez, "boy, take off your shirt and give it to me: the smell of blood is like honey for the predators that inhabit the forest. I wasn't the only one chasing you this afternoon and I had to cover your tracks."

Fez widened his eyes, tore off his shirt and threw it to the Hozman, who rolled it up with a amused smile and put it on his shoulder. He looked back at Aran and Cora. They continued to observe the precious quality of the sword, which was similar in its slender and elegant style to the blade that the young Allet held on his desk. But this one was different: more complex in its grace and rich in details, as if it wasn't meant for a mercenary.

Aran took a step forward, his expression determined and his shoulders straight. "Before we talk, I want you to answer my question." He approached him until he was in front of him. "Are you the Hozman who was in Lud?"

Yes, I am."

Aran struck him with a straight punch to the nose. A cry tore through the air, Marmorel had her hands over her mouth and her eyes wide open.

"Are you crazy?" Elidana shouted.

Aran loaded another punch, and Cora rushed to stop him. But Camiel raised a hand and gestured for him to stand still.

Aran looked back at the two girls and Fez, his expression filled with anger. "The fire in Lud is his fault... the newspapers were talking about Hozmans." And he turned back to the stranger.

"Are you done? Do you feel better?" Camiel asked.

"It depends on what you have to say," Aran replied.

Camiel took a seat on a rock and looked at everyone. "I know it's too much to ask for unconditional trust, and I understand that. But I need... really need you to listen to what I have to say."

"Trust?" Cora exploded. "You're just murderers! If it weren't for you Hozmans, we wouldn't have Kharzanians in Lamia!"

Camiel sighed and furrowed his brow. "Are you using the presence of the fox to justify the hunt?" he asked. "Very clever. I hope the others don't think like you."

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