Chapter 1

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I shoved the stupid math and English books that were way too heavy to even be classified as books; more like boulders with words written on them. I grabbed a book from my locker, something by Jodi Picoult. I know confusing, I liked real books, not school books; the difference was like life and death. I shut my locker and turned around facing the crowded hallways. I saw Danni walking down the hall heading my way and quickly tried to casually walk away without being noticed by her. 

"Loser!" I heard her yell, I was hoping it wasn't aimed at me, so I kept walking as if I hadn't heard her at all. 

"Four eyes!" She yelled now, I knew she was talking  to me now, she had called me that since I had gotten glasses in fifth grade. I didn't want to turn around, I really didn't, but people were starting to stare at me, knowing that Danni was yelling at me. 

I turned around to face her, annoying people by stopping in the middle of the hallway, but I didn't really care right now, I just want to get this over with. When Danni caught up to me, after I got glares from plenty of people trying to get to class, she gave me a glare.

"Oh, so you're trying to be cool and ignore me?" She asked. I said nothing, knowing saying something back was just like saying 'Please humiliate me in front of everybody', which I refused to do. 

She took my book in her hands, the one I had almost finished, I started it yesterday and I knew I was on page three hundred something, I was hoping she didn't take me book mark out of it, my favorite one that said 'Shush, I'm reading' Cheesy, I know. 

"I heard this book sucks" She said before opening the book and ripping the paper back spine apart from it, ripping the book in half and letting the pieces fly to the ground. 

"And you will never be cool" She snapped at me, before walking around me and walking away. 

I grabbed the pages and stuffed them in my back pack, trying not the let it get to me. I had bought that book with my own money, I had spent two hours in line waiting for it on the day it came out, and this is what I get for it. 

I am a first class nerd. Straight A's all three years I've been here and the whole glasses thing didn't really help. I loved to read too, English had always been my favorite subject. So all of these things made me a nerd, and being a nerd made me a loser, and that made me the person to be picked on, the person who sat alone at lunch, so instead of going to the cafeteria, I just went to the library. 

Since my next period was free period, and it was the last period of the day, I decided to skip and just go home. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night because my dad had been on the phone talking to his client. 

Woah, not like that. My dad is Bruno Mars' manager, yes the Bruno Mars, but I didn't get the big deal about it; not that anyone knew. I wouldn't tell anyone, there was no one to tell. 

Bruno Mars is a jerk, if you listen to his songs, they're all about sex and playing girls, which I think is totally annoying and rude. He's a player, and that's why I never met him; and I never plan on it.

I walked out of the school's back door, leading to where all the buses would be in about an hour and walked across it towards the parking lot. I got in my car, a red jeep wrangler and hopped into the front seat and drove towards home. 


 "Cara?" My dad asked when I walked through the front door, I ducked my head into the kitchen and gave him a quick smile.

"Hi dad, I had free period last so I just came home early" I said, putting my bag in the closet and slipping my shoes off. He nodded and shut the fridge. 

My house was too big for just me and my dad. We were doing pretty well in the money department since my dad was Bruno's manager. We lived in the nicer area of town, I think only a couple kids from my school lived in the neighborhood but they didn't talk to me either. When you walked in the living room was right ahead of you and then to the left was the kitchen and the dining room was just a little further. I had my own room and my dad had made sure to buy hundreds of books and stock them in the room next to mine. The house was beautiful and I loved it, but it was too much; I'm more of a simple person.

"How was your day?" He asked me. I nodded to myself.

"It was good how was yours?" I asked him. He nodded to me. 

"Good, but stressful, I need to find someone for Bruno, to show the media that he isn't just a player" He told me. I laughed a little bit. 

"But he is a player" I replied.

"It's funny you'd say that" I heard a voice behind me say. 

I turned around and saw Bruno Mars leaning on the wall just ten feet away from me. He had never been in my house before, so why would he be here now. 

"Did I leave out that I said you could do it?" My dad asked me. I turned to him and glared.

"I refuse to associate with him, he's a player, a popular kid. I get enough of them daily" I told him. He gave me a weak smile and a little shrug as if saying ' eh, what ya gonna do?''

"I'm not all bad!" Bruno stated smiling. I turned to him,

"You're not in this conversation" I snapped. He laughed a little bit and I turned back to dad. 

"I'm not dating him" 

"I already signed the contract" My dad said softly, but just loud enough so that I could hear. 

"You what!?" I yelled, grabbing the document out of his hands and reading it quickly.

"I'm not just a contract at work dad! I'm not just a worthless deal!" I screamed. I ran up stairs and into my room as fast I could, tears falling from my eyes and onto the ground below me. 

I will never be with Bruno Mars.

So this is my first chapter of a fan fiction that isn't one direction and I am very proud of it(: Vote and Comment!

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