Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning feeling like it was going to be a very long day. I was still extremely tired but I didn't feel like going to sleep. I knew I still had a couple things to pack.

I heard sound on my phone vibrating on my bedside table and rubbed my eyes quickly sitting up. I immediately regretted it when I felt the worst head rush.

"Ugh" I groaned, putting my fingers to my temple and closing my eyes, as if massaging it away would even work.

"Woah what's wrong?" I heard Bruno ask. I opened my eyes to see him standing in front of me. I gave him a weak smile and shook my head like it was nothing.

"Just a head rush. I just woke up" I told him. He laughed at me so I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Can you hand me my phone?" I asked him. He handed it to me and I looked down to see a text from Adam. I let out a huge groan, realizing that I hadn't told him that we were leaving today.

"What now" Bruno asked me. He sat down next to me on the bed and read the text over my shoulder.

Wanna hang out today?

XX Adam

He looked up at me as if silently asking me what I was going to do. I dialed Adam's number and put the phone up to my ear. 


"Hey I have to talk to you" I told him. I looked at Bruno and pointed to the door. He laughed and shook his head. He laid down across my bed and I glared down at him. 

"What about? Is everything okay?" He asked me. I got up and tried to push Bruno off the bed and on to the floor. 

"Everything's fine" I said. "But I have to go on tour with Bruno" I told him, giving up on trying to push him off the bed. Adam was silent on the phone. 

"You still there?" I asked

"Yea it's just...I don't know how I feel about that" He said. 

"What do you mean? Don't you trust me?" 

"Well we have only been together for a week or two" He trailed off. 

"But it was long enough to tell me you love me" I snapped at him. I felt Bruno tense up next to me. 

"That was different" He told me. 

"Yeah well you obviously aren't. You're just like every other guy" I said hanging up on him. I turned around and met Bruno's eyes. 

"When are we leaving?" I asked him. He stood up in front of me, two inches from my face. That's when I remember what he had said last night when he thought I was sleeping. He said he was going to fight for me no matter what.

"Right after I do this" He said right before he crashed his lips on to mine. At first I was stunned but then I started to kiss him back. Our lips battled for dominance but sooner or later I gave up and let him take charge. His tongue asked for entrance as it slightly swiped my lower lip and I quickly gave it entrance. Bruno's hands roamed over my body as if they were searching for something. I put my hands on the back of his neck as I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pressed me against the wall and I could feel myself getting a feeling that I had never had before; Lust. 

I ripped my lips away from his and met his eyes. I pressed my forehead to his and closed my eyes, trying to get the feeling to escape me.

"Bruno I've never done this before" I said. "I'm scared". I knew saying something like this may make him angry, and he might call me names for leading him on or something, but I had to be honest when it came to something like this.

He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"I can wait" He told me. I gave him a weak smile and he backed up from the wall and set me down on the bed.

"Be ready in twenty minutes okay?"

I nodded as he left the room and I looked down at my phone. I instantly regretted it as I remembered all my problems as I read my screen.

One Missed Call From : Adam

I am soooooo sorry that it's so short but things have been hectic. As hectic as things can get! Vote and Comment!

And I would love to answer any questions you have for me! They can be about ANYTHING!(:


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